GUIDES' MESSAGES (to view additional messages, make sure to visit Tammy's Intuitive Services on TikTok, Instagram and F/B)
“Some people will come into your life and some will go.
All of them will have offered you the opportunity to know thyself on a deeper level.
Those you are in conflict with often help bring you to a level of awareness that you had not experienced before.
Reflect after each interaction.
How did you feel after the encounter?
What emotions and thoughts are stirring inside of you now?
What was brought to light?
Potential to heal, set boundaries, forgive, move away from or recognize your ability to manifest love and friendship.
Always, a plethora of opportunity for growth, self-awareness and understanding.”
“You trusted,
You didn’t know,
It was not your fault.
Trust may have been broken,
Intentions questioned,
Vulnerability guarded
Yet here you stand.
It’s going to be okay.
Are you in agreement? (we hope the answer is yes!)
Your experience may have been challenging,
but do not give up on
trust and vulnerability.
Know deeply that you are trustworthy
so that trustful relationships may enter your life.
Continue to be open to new experiences.
Let each new sunrise cleanse and restore your faith
In self-worth, self-respect, and self-love.
…you are not alone on this journey, dear friends.
Embracing, loving and supporting you all along the way.”
-Tammy's Guides
“In your darkest, deepest moments please know that we are still here supporting you.
We honor and respect your privacy. We understand that you may need some ‘alone’ time to process your emotions, to heal your wounds, grieve over a loss or a disappointment, and to bask in solitude for a while.
There is nothing wrong with this our dear friends. It is part of the human condition and sometimes necessary.
In these sacred moments there is opportunity for release, clarity and healing. Opportunities, always opportunities to find your way back to self-love, compassion and self-devotion, this to your own personal journey and what it is you’ve come here to learn.
Healthy boundaries being one of them.
Please know that we are patient, understanding and that you are embraced, held and loved so very deeply during these particularly challenging times.
In the meantime, be gentle with yourself. You will ‘hear’ us when you are ready and able to ‘listen’ once again.”
- Our Guides…always by our side, never giving up on us. <3
“Your inner thoughts become your outer reflection.
Your inner thoughts become your outer reflection.”
“Pay attention to when you ‘hear’ yourself say you need a break.
You have an innate ‘time for me’ built-in-alert-system. Let it work for you!
Make time for seclusion, serenity and private moments.
You are allowed and so very deserving of this precious gift.”
"Dont' forget to wash your hands and brush your teeth.
Your mother was right, good hygiene matters."
-Tammy's Guides (yes, my guides just actually said this) :)
“If you can be anywhere, pick right here, right now!
It’s amazing to be in the power of now!
Right now is a powerful place to be!
There’s a theme here, have you noticed? :)
Stay present dear friends, ‘now’ is where the action is and where your best creations begin!
Xoxoxoxo” - Tammy's Guides
“Trust the process. You are guided through from beginning to end, yes, even if the journey appears difficult and uncertain.
We hold your hand, we remind you how strong you are, how capable you are.
We know that what you endure will only enhance your ability to love yourself a little deeper and experience vital lessons that will help you on your path to ultimate compassion.”
-loving you through it all, Tammy’s Guides
“Oh no! Giving up was not in the plan!
The agreement was to see what you could do with all that fabulous knowledge you have acquired from the many all-important lifetimes you have lived!
We understand how this agreement might slip your mind now and then.
Easy to do when you are in the throes of a challenging situation, we know.
Your tenacity and determination are stronger than you realize.
Ask for help, ask for guidance from us, your spirit helpers and from those who are with you on the earth plane; your family, your friends, and health professionals. Seek the help you need when in need.
Go easy on yourself.
Decide tomorrow is going to be a better day.
Give IN to patience, worthiness, trust, motivation and divine love.”
-Tammy’s Guides
“Your beloved animals who rest here in spirit want you to love again. They know just how capable you are of offering another furry friend the unconditional love that they themselves were so very blessed to have received.
They may indeed nudge another in your direction.
Warms their hearts to know that your new companion, their brethren, will be well taken care of and loved so very deeply.
Allow yourself to open your heart once again. We promise, their love and support will be carrying you through.”
-Tammy’s Guides
At LEAST five things our wonderful Guides want us to know…
That we’ve come to this planet to learn, grow and participate. It is up to us to decide how much effort we’re willing to put into it.
We came of our own accord. Did we know there’d be these challenges? The core ones, yes. And that is how much we loved ourselves. Such learning to be had!
We’ve had many lifetimes. Some have been fairly ‘easy’, some have been quite the opposite. ALL hold equal value and importance. One must experience it all to fully comprehend the meaning of ultimate compassion.
From a soul perspective, it is just as important to be on this planet as it is to be in ‘heaven.’
We are never alone in our distress. Yes, it’s true, we are never alone. It can sometimes feel this way in the physical body, but we must quiet ourselves to feel the innate love (self-love) and the love that has always, and will always be present for us; Source, our guides, our angels, our spiritual masters and our loved ones who have transitioned.
Embracing the journey,
-Tammy and her Guides
“What feels right to you belongs to you and you alone.
It is your inner knowing.
Honor the feeling, speak to it, give it a voice.
No one else will ever know it better than you.”
-Tammy’s Guides
“Gratitude is a powerful magnet.
When one lives with gratitude, one naturally creates and manifests more experiences to be grateful for.
-Tammy’s Guides
“TODAY is a GREAT day to be:
Compassionate, and
Let’s ‘C’ how this plays out for you.”
-Tammy’s Guides
“There is no one exactly like you, you are THAT special
Let’s repeat this so we’re on the same page…
There is no one exactly like you, you are THAT special.
(lest you ever forget)
-Tammy’s Guides
A Monday Message for you....<3
“Keep your distance from those who are unkind to you.
We are not saying to keep your distance from those that wish to show you some necessary truths.
We just say, keep your distance from those who energetically wish you ill-well.
You will know who they are.
Blow them a loving kiss (they are most likely in need of it), wrap yourself protectively and move away from their space.
Reflection and potential healing for them,
self-awareness and self-empowerment for you!”
-Tammy’s Guides
“Wait a few minutes.
No, wait a few days.
No, wait a few years.
Why wait?
Bring your hopes and dreams to this very moment.
Allow them to stir within, gather momentum and set them free through the spoken word (affirmations)
and your powerful ability to ‘see’ (visualization).
Your dreams are waiting patiently for you to notice them, and to acknowledge them.
Start NOW! This moment is just too good to waste.”
-Tammy’s Guides
All of them will have offered you the opportunity to know thyself on a deeper level.
Those you are in conflict with often help bring you to a level of awareness that you had not experienced before.
Reflect after each interaction.
How did you feel after the encounter?
What emotions and thoughts are stirring inside of you now?
What was brought to light?
Potential to heal, set boundaries, forgive, move away from or recognize your ability to manifest love and friendship.
Always, a plethora of opportunity for growth, self-awareness and understanding.”
“You trusted,
You didn’t know,
It was not your fault.
Trust may have been broken,
Intentions questioned,
Vulnerability guarded
Yet here you stand.
It’s going to be okay.
Are you in agreement? (we hope the answer is yes!)
Your experience may have been challenging,
but do not give up on
trust and vulnerability.
Know deeply that you are trustworthy
so that trustful relationships may enter your life.
Continue to be open to new experiences.
Let each new sunrise cleanse and restore your faith
In self-worth, self-respect, and self-love.
…you are not alone on this journey, dear friends.
Embracing, loving and supporting you all along the way.”
-Tammy's Guides
“In your darkest, deepest moments please know that we are still here supporting you.
We honor and respect your privacy. We understand that you may need some ‘alone’ time to process your emotions, to heal your wounds, grieve over a loss or a disappointment, and to bask in solitude for a while.
There is nothing wrong with this our dear friends. It is part of the human condition and sometimes necessary.
In these sacred moments there is opportunity for release, clarity and healing. Opportunities, always opportunities to find your way back to self-love, compassion and self-devotion, this to your own personal journey and what it is you’ve come here to learn.
Healthy boundaries being one of them.
Please know that we are patient, understanding and that you are embraced, held and loved so very deeply during these particularly challenging times.
In the meantime, be gentle with yourself. You will ‘hear’ us when you are ready and able to ‘listen’ once again.”
- Our Guides…always by our side, never giving up on us. <3
“Your inner thoughts become your outer reflection.
Your inner thoughts become your outer reflection.”
“Pay attention to when you ‘hear’ yourself say you need a break.
You have an innate ‘time for me’ built-in-alert-system. Let it work for you!
Make time for seclusion, serenity and private moments.
You are allowed and so very deserving of this precious gift.”
"Dont' forget to wash your hands and brush your teeth.
Your mother was right, good hygiene matters."
-Tammy's Guides (yes, my guides just actually said this) :)
“If you can be anywhere, pick right here, right now!
It’s amazing to be in the power of now!
Right now is a powerful place to be!
There’s a theme here, have you noticed? :)
Stay present dear friends, ‘now’ is where the action is and where your best creations begin!
Xoxoxoxo” - Tammy's Guides
“Trust the process. You are guided through from beginning to end, yes, even if the journey appears difficult and uncertain.
We hold your hand, we remind you how strong you are, how capable you are.
We know that what you endure will only enhance your ability to love yourself a little deeper and experience vital lessons that will help you on your path to ultimate compassion.”
-loving you through it all, Tammy’s Guides
“Oh no! Giving up was not in the plan!
The agreement was to see what you could do with all that fabulous knowledge you have acquired from the many all-important lifetimes you have lived!
We understand how this agreement might slip your mind now and then.
Easy to do when you are in the throes of a challenging situation, we know.
Your tenacity and determination are stronger than you realize.
Ask for help, ask for guidance from us, your spirit helpers and from those who are with you on the earth plane; your family, your friends, and health professionals. Seek the help you need when in need.
Go easy on yourself.
Decide tomorrow is going to be a better day.
Give IN to patience, worthiness, trust, motivation and divine love.”
-Tammy’s Guides
“Your beloved animals who rest here in spirit want you to love again. They know just how capable you are of offering another furry friend the unconditional love that they themselves were so very blessed to have received.
They may indeed nudge another in your direction.
Warms their hearts to know that your new companion, their brethren, will be well taken care of and loved so very deeply.
Allow yourself to open your heart once again. We promise, their love and support will be carrying you through.”
-Tammy’s Guides
At LEAST five things our wonderful Guides want us to know…
That we’ve come to this planet to learn, grow and participate. It is up to us to decide how much effort we’re willing to put into it.
We came of our own accord. Did we know there’d be these challenges? The core ones, yes. And that is how much we loved ourselves. Such learning to be had!
We’ve had many lifetimes. Some have been fairly ‘easy’, some have been quite the opposite. ALL hold equal value and importance. One must experience it all to fully comprehend the meaning of ultimate compassion.
From a soul perspective, it is just as important to be on this planet as it is to be in ‘heaven.’
We are never alone in our distress. Yes, it’s true, we are never alone. It can sometimes feel this way in the physical body, but we must quiet ourselves to feel the innate love (self-love) and the love that has always, and will always be present for us; Source, our guides, our angels, our spiritual masters and our loved ones who have transitioned.
Embracing the journey,
-Tammy and her Guides
“What feels right to you belongs to you and you alone.
It is your inner knowing.
Honor the feeling, speak to it, give it a voice.
No one else will ever know it better than you.”
-Tammy’s Guides
“Gratitude is a powerful magnet.
When one lives with gratitude, one naturally creates and manifests more experiences to be grateful for.
-Tammy’s Guides
“TODAY is a GREAT day to be:
Compassionate, and
Let’s ‘C’ how this plays out for you.”
-Tammy’s Guides
“There is no one exactly like you, you are THAT special
Let’s repeat this so we’re on the same page…
There is no one exactly like you, you are THAT special.
(lest you ever forget)
-Tammy’s Guides
A Monday Message for you....<3
“Keep your distance from those who are unkind to you.
We are not saying to keep your distance from those that wish to show you some necessary truths.
We just say, keep your distance from those who energetically wish you ill-well.
You will know who they are.
Blow them a loving kiss (they are most likely in need of it), wrap yourself protectively and move away from their space.
Reflection and potential healing for them,
self-awareness and self-empowerment for you!”
-Tammy’s Guides
“Wait a few minutes.
No, wait a few days.
No, wait a few years.
Why wait?
Bring your hopes and dreams to this very moment.
Allow them to stir within, gather momentum and set them free through the spoken word (affirmations)
and your powerful ability to ‘see’ (visualization).
Your dreams are waiting patiently for you to notice them, and to acknowledge them.
Start NOW! This moment is just too good to waste.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought & Affirmation
“Well look who’s arrived! Why…it’s Today!!
Ms. Today is your friend, encourager, biggest supporter, jump starter and healer.
She is well recognized for her amazing talent to create, and her award winning, ‘bringer of endless opportunity energy.’
Hug her, embrace her, let her know how much she is loved and valued.
(we think Ms. Tomorrow is pretty special too…you know, bringer of all your manifestations and such.) ;)
May we suggest the following affirmation:
I embrace this very moment with love, hope and optimism.
I choose to create positive abundance right here, right now!
I am gloriously and enthusiastically present with LIFE!”
-Tammy's Guides
"Let go of the reins and let karma do what it does best."
- Tammy's Guides
“Sometimes it’s okay to just be.
No expectations, no problem solving, no conscious planning for the future.
Simply said, sometimes you just need a break from performing.
And in those quiet times of ‘just being,’ all that is required is your breath.”
-Tammy’s Guides
A channeled Monday Message for you. Have a fabulous week!😊
"This moment, this very second, is the next chapter of your life.
Just as when you are reading an enjoyable book, you are wondering what lies ahead.
The journey is fun, isn't it?📖
YOU are creating YOUR next chapter. Day by day, moment by moment. What would you like to have happen next? What direction will your story take?
Allow this story to play out before you.
Don't forget the power of visualization and intention!✨
Oh and did we mention we like happy endings?😁
'Course, that's for you to decide.😉
Quite sure we'll love it regardless.
-Always and forever, your number one fans”
Thursday Thought & Affirmation
“You ask us…can we manifest something we really want?
We ask…well CAN you? know best after all!
And we’d like to ask…do you feel worthy of receiving it?
Are you visualizing and holding it close to your heart?
Stop doubting dear friends, believe in yourself!
Manifestations happen every day!
May we suggest this simple, but powerful affirmation:
‘I am worthy of receiving (______). It comes to me easily in all positive ways.’
Say it often and with conviction.
There are no truer words than your own.”
-Tammy’s Guides
“Hey, guess what?...
You don’t have to fix everything and everybody.
Don’t be afraid to let go.
They really do need to figure it out for themselves.
You’re awesome though.
-Tammy’s Guides
A Monday Message for you! Have a great week!
“Stating out loud that you are with God/Source/the Universe places you just where you need to be; in the loving arms of hope, unconditional love, healing and support.
Surrender to this ever important, constant Light.
Bask in this energy of eternal acceptance.
Let it envelop you, caress you and nurture you.
Those who have done just this find the challenging times to be more meaningful, tolerable and teachable.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message. Home sweet home!
"We hear symphonies, we hear laughter, we communicate telepathically.
We are embodied with love.
We joyfully sing your praises.
We share wisdom, our experiences, and we channel this divine heavenly energy to you.
We sit in prayer, stillness, knowing.
Heartfelt love, acceptance, understanding all on the deepest levels possible.
We rescue, embrace and wipe away tears.
We congratulate you and share in your celebrations.
There are children here, ever learning and growing. Those souls who transitioned at an early age from the earth plane sit with us front and center. They are loved beyond measure, safe, supported and are at peace. They are never alone, lonely or sad. These children walk in the light of the Divine, always guided, always loved. (They are most amused and in awe of the angels, dancing, singing, laughing!).
This is our Heaven…your Heaven.
We ask you to enjoy your time on the earth, no matter your circumstances.
When the timing is just right, you too will return Home.
Meanwhile, embrace heaven on earth. It IS possible, all you need to do is think it so. Maybe more than once, but you can always return there in your mind’s eye. Use your senses. It’s not far, you are part of it and it is a part of you. Your beautiful animals, trees, oceans, rivers, mountains, deserts and meadows are gifts from Source. Reminders of home, always accessible for you to connect with.
We remind you of your bravery dear ones, the courageous act of reincarnation.
That’s how much you loved yourself. So much still to learn, so much to still see and do.
Keep the love constant, the faith strong, and the hope, always.
Eternally Yours, Eternally grateful for you."
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message! Comfy Cozy!
“Your current situation brings you many opportunities. The chair you sit in provides you comfort, this you recognize. Allow yourself to feel your chair, your couch, your bed, anything that you may sit or lie upon. In this very moment, let the energy of this comfort bring you satisfaction and awaken your own personal feelings of gratitude; always there, always waiting for attention.
In this moment, you open up to awareness itself, to the realization that you can find comfort in any given situation if you look for it and allow it. In the most challenging of times, look to the light, the knowing that Source and your angels and guides are with you. Find comfort in this knowing, allow it, feel it and accept that you are worthy of it.
Find your comfort. Acknowledge it, be grateful for it, sink into it, wrap yourself in it. Feels good doesn’t it?
…we really enjoy sitting next to you on that big comfy couch." <3
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message. Have a beautiful week!
“Sometimes feelings and emotions surface all at once.
Sometimes they surface at a later time.
Sometimes they trickle in here and there.
Some of you just take a little longer to process feelings in general.
There is no wrong or right as to the timing in experiencing the release.
We do, however, want you to remember you are not alone in dealing with your emotions. We here are encouraging you to reach for help, whether from a professional, a light worker or a trusted friend. We know how fragile the human experience can be. We also know just how valuable the lessons can be when you are ‘caught up in emotion.’ The impact, the emotional challenge, the questions, the clarity and the release.
Your goal, our dearest friends, is to love yourself through the ebb and flow of your feelings and emotions. Please be gentle with yourself and allow others to help you through the difficult times.
Feel our heavenly embrace. We hold you close, wiping away your tears, comforting you, encouraging you to seek the lessons within the emotions.
Take a deep breath now…exhale.
Trust in your own personal timing of release. It will be just the right time for YOU."
-Tammy’s Guides
“Keep your days imaginative, keep them in the spirit of childlike joy.
No matter what your day holds for you, no matter how challenging, stressful, or repetitious it may be…keep your childlike wonder.
Take a break and step outside. Breathe, exhale. View yourself as the beautiful child you were (and still are!). What would your eyes have been drawn to? What would have captured your interest?
Still can’t see it? We give you the age of 5. Yes, you are now 5 years old, standing outside, preferably where there is nature.
Is it the birds you rest your eyes upon? The rustling of the trees? Ripples in the water?...the sky?
Yes, yes, the sky!! A childhood favorite! Look up dear friends and remember. What do you see? Clouds? What do you imagine you see in the clouds? You used to come up with some pretty impressive pictures back then!
Your imagination and creativity have never ever left you, sweet, sweet child. Bring that joy back inside with you to visit anytime you are in need. Healing always awaits when we remember…”
-Tammy’s Guides
I don’t mean to brag but…our lemon tree is SO sweet (no pun intended), VERY intuitive, intelligent, and has a great sense of humor!
Me: Hello lemon tree!
Tree: I know you.
Me: You know me how?
Tree: You live here.
Me: Yes, I do.
Tree: I really love it here.
Me: I’m so glad you do. You’ve been here a long time.
Tree: Yes, we got to know each other many years ago.
Me: Indeed, we did.
Tree: I have a home here forever.
Me: (funny as I’ve always said I would never get rid of our tree!) Yes, you do. Is there anything you want me to know?
Tree: How much time do we have? (this tree has a sense of humor!) :)
Me: Well, not a WHOLE lot of time, I suppose, but you can tell me whatever you need to.
Tree: You are like a breath of fresh air.
Me: Well, thank you very much, I appreciate that!
Tree: This is a good life here.
Me: Good, I’m glad to hear that. Is there anything I can do for you?
Tree: No, I’m okay. I like to give you my lemons but you don’t always use them.
Me: That is true. :)
Tree: Maybe you can use them more.
Me: You’re right, I need to start getting more of them from you. :)
Tree: I can tell you’re not really happy about that idea.
Me: No, you’re right, I’m not because it’s just something else to put on my ‘to do’ list, haha.
Tree: That’s ok, I understand. I want you to write this down:
Me: Well, that’s exactly what I plan to do.
Tree: Good. People need to know that we have personality and that we hear you when you talk to us.
Me: Oh, that’s wonderful lemon tree. I will share this. Well, I should let you go now. I think you’re beautiful and thank you for being in our backyard for so many years.
Tree: I will be here as long as you like.
Me: Great news.
Tree: You seem a little embarrassed.
Me: (I had been speaking in a low voice so tree must’ve picked up on that). Well, maybe I am in case neighbors hear me talking to you (truth!).
Tree: They need to hear you talk to me so they know that they can talk to their own trees any time they like. You set a good example.
Me: Well thank you, that’s something for me to think about.
Tree: Hug me whenever you wish. I feel you and your loving vibration. You help people and you tell them that it’s okay, that they’re going to be okay.
Me: (teary now!) Yes, I DO! Thank you for noticing that.
Tree: The love is mutual.
Me: It sure is. <3
Happy Monday Message. Keep the momentum going! :)
“Change in the smallest of ways is still change.
Taking the small steps…sometimes that’s all you have in you…
and that’s okay.
Your efforts are what matters.
Stay positive and focused on your intention.
You all have your own unique timing, your own unique pace.
Before you know it, you will have arrived at your desired destination, all smiles and such.
Sending you off now with a gentle pat on the back and a big loving embrace.
Always, with Love and continuous Support,”
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought & Affirmation
“Generate LOVE, Send LOVE, BE LOVE!
Be that supportive light that so many are in need of right now.
May we suggest the following affirmation:
I am a light of support and love for others.
I am in tune with the infinite.
I am worthy of receiving loving, positive vibes!”
-Tammy’s Guides
A Monday Message for you!
“We see you coming to a conclusion.
The inner workings of your mind and spirit, guiding you in a direction. You are recognizing the final destination of your decision-making process.
Now you might ask…
Should I act now? Is it too soon? Or should I wait?
We say, keep on the path of the doing. Take the steps necessary now so that it may bring you closer to that final destination.
Trust the hunches, the gut feelings. Recognize those who come into your life to help you reach these goals at just the right time. They may come in slowly, a little here and there, or they may appear suddenly. In any case, the timing… YOUR timing…is perfect.
Here you are now, arriving safely at your destination with ease, confidence and graciousness.
We see you’ve come to your conclusion.
You make us proud.” <3
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought & Affirmation
“When you surrender to what is happening in the now, you have more power to create the desired change for the future
How is that?
Surrendering means the acceptance of the present lesson/experience/emotion. When you feel it on all levels then you are ready for your next step…the manifestation of your heart’s desire.
May we suggest the following affirmation:
I am willing to be present with my current situation.
I allow myself to feel, hear, and see all that it is I need to know, seek or do.
I am safely supported and loved on this journey of self-discovery.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought
When the seasons change, so do you. Maybe in a small way, maybe in a big way.
While life seems continuous, there are these wonderful ‘markers’ of time to help you stand up and take notice as to what changes you’d like to make for yourself, where you’d like to go next.
Winter – hibernation and introspection
Spring – renewal, rebirth
Summer – relaxation
Fall – reflection and all things cozy and comfy
Allow yourself to make the changes necessary with each beautiful Season. These markers of time…
bringers of opportunity, transformation and new beginnings.
-Tammy’s Guides
A Monday Message for you!
"We know, sometimes the big picture is just too much.
Sometimes the answers aren’t clear immediately.
Sometimes you may need to take a deep breath and let it play out a bit.
Sometimes new ideas emerge with the dawning of a new day.
Let us help you unravel the problem, the mess, and what seems, the impossible.
Do your best, your part. Ask us for help and surrender.
There have been many who have gotten through challenging times doing just this.
We work as a team here you see. Gently untying the knots, working together in unison, lots of communication, sending in those to aid you; angels, friends, strangers and light workers.
You are allowed to receive help. Please let us know when you need us to step in. Meanwhile keep your chin up. This illusion of struggle? Well this too shall pass but not without rhyme, not without reason.
Wrapping you in continuous love, support and light."
-Tammy’s Guides
A Monday Message for you…Happy International Women’s Day
“The Love OF Women, the Love FOR women!
We know you are excited to receive this special blessing today, this special recognition, you are so very deserving of such a day!
Women have always been way-showers, psychic intuitive beings capable of bringing forth new souls, being a support to others, and healers of men, other women and the earth and its creatures. We love that you have a special day to honor the amazing Goddesses, Innovators, and Seekers that you are. Healers of the planet, children and adults. You are insightful, capable, and tenacious. You have been very important to the evolution of your planet, in ways you may not even recognize. Frankly, just your mere presence upon this earth invokes cooperation, cohesion and diplomacy.
Women who support one another know the value and importance of such an act. Innately so, intuitively so. To support one another heightens the awareness of one’s own creativity, productivity and intention to get the job done.
Most of you have chosen many female lifetimes and as well as male incarnations. Of course, we would say there is importance to both ‘roles.’ But isn’t it always advantageous to have walked in many shoes? Honor where you’ve come from, where you are now and who you are yet to be.
Embrace your female energy, you, the Goddess of Light and Love; Change maker, Founder, Initiator, Trendsetter, Trailblazer, Mother, Daughter and Friend.
What else could you ask for? Happy International Women’s Day!”
-Tammy’s Guides
A chat with a delightful Daffodil :)
Me: Hello gorgeous!
Daffodil: I was replanted.
Me: Funny you would say that, I was just informed of that! Do you like your new home?
Daffodil: It’s different, but I like it.
Me: Are you happy here?
Daffodil: Yes I like it here. I’m waiting.
Me: Waiting for what?
Daffodil: Time
Me: Time?
Daffodil: To adjust, to rebuild and regrow.
Me: Ahhh, I see.
Daffodil: I think it’s time to get better acquainted with you.
Me: Well, I’d like nothing more! :)
Daffodil: Can you please give me time? I will have more to show you soon.
Me: I look forward to it! Is there anything I can do for you?
Daffodil: I don’t need much, just your love and appreciation.
Me: You got it! <3
Happy March and Happy Monday Message!
“If you were a tree you would…
Be grounded at all times,
Communicate with other trees, birds, squirrels, insects (and the occasional child or cat who may sit upon your branches),
Offer a reprieve from the hot sun,
Provide essential air to breathe,
Be in awe of the elements and changing of the seasons,
Be patient with the elements and changing of the seasons,
Provide grounding to those who venture close to you,
Be a vision of beauty for all to see.
Be a tree:
Grounded, adaptable and patient,
Accepting of others who are different from you,
A healer and helper,
Aware of your importance,
Always in awe of what life brings you,
A shoulder to lean on in times of need,
An indelible beauty mark.
If you were a tree…”
-Tammy’s Guides
Feb. 22, 2021
Happy Monday Message. Seek the solution! Have a wonderful week!
“Let’s talk about frustration, shall we? About things that seem out of your control, yet, is in your life to contend with.
Take a deep breath.
We hear you, we sympathize with you and we urge you to consider all sides, all viewpoints, all circumstances regarding this frustrating thing/person/situation.
First things first, have you really looked at it from their, or its point of view? Yes, even a situation has a point of view that you can explore should you take time to do so. A person is a little easier to dig into, especially if you know them well in your present lifetime.
So, let’s say you have a take on their, or its perspective…what should you do now if you feel you have no say, no voice to this predicament you find yourself in? Perhaps you’ve tried reasoning, patience, indifference but to no avail.
Let’s take another deep breath, shall we?
What IS it that is truly ‘getting your goat’, ‘triggering you’, making you feel like you’re at ‘your wits end?’
You see, the emotion that is stirring inside may just be what the thing/situation/person is here to help spark within you to either: make a change, have a deeper conversation about, elicit help, or perhaps to practice more patience and compassion. Most importantly, how do you relate with this situation/behavior within yourself? What action is being called upon you? Something has to give, right? You can’t simply be living with this frustrating thing/situation/person and ignore the possible or potential anger and resentment building up within you.
We suggest you take time to quietly re-examine your options and to visualize what your desired end result might look like so that you may no longer carry this frustrating energy. Take steps towards a goal, get help from others that may have some constructive insight to share with you, and if appropriate, try a different approach with your communication. Roll up your sleeves and get moving toward a positive solution, visualize it as a win-win for all involved.
Just like many of your emotions, frustration is here to teach you, to perhaps redirect you, and to maybe to help bring you out of procrastination and into proactivity.
Be still, release, reaffirm and take the steps necessary to change this frustration to a more productive energy of fulfillment, satisfaction and inspiration.”
-Tammy’s Guides
A Thursday Thought…
“Have you talked to your toes lately? Your feet?
What about your tummy, your eyes, your heart?
Just to name a few body parts that you should be having an occasional chat with, a check-in if you will.
How are they feeling?
What do they want to tell you?
Should you be doing something more for them?
Spend some quality time letting them know just how much you adore and appreciate them.
Loving those self-hugs…and the bubble baths.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message! Have a beautiful week!
“Plant seeds wherever you go.
What kind of seeds you ask?
Why, seeds of love of course!
Plant them first within, then allow them to spread further.
Plant them in and on…
family members,
beloved pets,
…and strangers,
How you ask?
By your words and actions dear friends, by the conscious intention of love that you speak and the energy you send to them.
You need not do more than this. Your job is done. That’s all you CAN do.
Some will grow into beautiful flowers.
Some will take their time,
Some will decide they are not ready to bloom.
Still, it is none of your concern.
Each seedling has its own timetable as to when it feels it is ready to fully bloom. We must respect their individual pace, their individual timing.
You have planted the seed, allow them to now bask in the sunshine of discovery.
We thank you, inspirational souls. We will make sure they are lovingly tended to and receive all the nourishment they need."
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought & Affirmation
Be kind, be gentle, be free of worry, fear and resentment.
Be courageous, be fearless, be free of procrastination and self-doubt.
Be steadfast, be persistent, be free of false conditioning.
May we suggest the following affirmation:
I inhale trust and exhale fear, anxiety and stress.
I inhale courage, strength and exhale self-doubt.
I inhale grounding and exhale instability.
Always protected, always cherished, always loved. <3
-Tammy’s Guides
A belated, hopefully, better-late-than-never Monday Message for you. Have a beautiful week fellow manifestors! :)
“Not too happy? Then…
Rewrite the script.
Rewrite the emotion.
Rewrite the beginning, middle and ending.
It’s never too late to start all over. Certainly one of the many benefits of living in this time and space, don’t you think?
You, possibly living the life of your dreams or a life more fulfilling. Can’t you just see it? A life of satisfaction, contentment, maybe even bliss! Imagine that! (yes, please DO imagine!).
Know this…
What you may have been told doesn’t have to be who you become.
What you may have seen doesn’t have to be what you expect.
What you were expected to be doesn’t have to manifest.
What defines YOU are your thoughts in the here and now, in this very moment.
Empowering, isn’t it?
Spit spot, there’s no time like the present! (as they say). Rewrite the script to your satisfaction.
And yep, that’s us in the front row, center stage, big smiles on our faces, proud as peacocks, cheering you on!
…always by your side.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought & Affirmation
“Choose your words wisely. ‘In the end’ you will have these words reflected back to you enabling you to feel the effect it had on your recipient.
Your world and what you create offers you opportunity, sometimes over and over, to practice diplomacy, encouragement and grace.
Please do be careful. Your words have potential to change someone’s life; an opportunity to promote healing or an opportunity to defeat one’s character.
Love over blame,
Love over humiliation,
Love over anger.
May we suggest the following affirmation:
I gather my words wisely before speaking.
I will practice ‘feeling’ the words before I speak them to another, that way I will know if they should be spoken.
I choose to uplift others with my positive comments and compliments."
As always, with respect and kindness, <3
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought & Affirmation
“When the ground shakes beneath you, reach out and hold on to the closest support you have. Allow yourself to be ‘held’ when in need, whether it be from a family member, a friend or a stranger who can be there for you in your most vulnerable moments.
May we suggest the following affirmation:
I am worthy of receiving help.
I allow others to help me in my time of need.
I will always remain safe and strong in my show of vulnerability.”
-Tammy's Guides
Guide's Channeled Message for 2021!
“We send you blessings for your new year of 2021. The life lessons you have endured during your 2020 will be transforming into a new dynamic; a new way of ‘seeing’ a new way of ‘perceiving’ and a new way of ‘being.’
This is precisely what is to be happening in your world right now. The fear, uncertainty and chaos that you have experienced through the pandemic and other events in your world will eventually sort itself out a bit. While it may not seem like it is coming soon enough, bring your awareness to how you are individually perceiving time; it will either benefit you or frustrate you. Make sure you take time to think about this. Which way will you have it? For those who choose patience and are in alignment with your saying, ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day,’ will feel more at ease with restrictions and expectations which may work to your benefit. For those who are resistant, then your view of the world may be that of chaos, frustration and perhaps fear. Which is it you will have?
We don’t doubt, and do believe, 2021 will bring more peace. Many of you show us aligning with this thought, this energy. We are only reflecting back to you what you show us at this present time and are creating. A gentle reminder, where you choose to place your thoughts becomes your reality. We can’t mention this enough!
Choose to love in this new year. There have been many of you who have done just this (warms our hearts) but we also see far too many who have chosen to hate, to rebel, to make noise in ways that do not promote positive change. Let go of ego, pride, prejudice. Bring in faith, acceptance, and patience. You see, your voice may still be heard with the latter three, in fact you may find those whom you’ve raised your voice to are more willing to listen with this conscious intention.
We feel in 2021 that there will be more of you ‘prepared’ to cooperate. For many of you, your lives have been turned upside down but please know this journey has not been without the rhyme and the reason. No coincidences that you are in your body at this exact moment on your planet. A powerful position to be in wouldn’t you say? A potential support to someone in need, a way-shower of new ideas and innovations (as your scientists have already been doing), a teacher, a healer and a messenger. A powerful position indeed. In the helping, in the loving, in the inspiration to others comes the healing, for, not only others, but for yourself as well.
This 2021, as of this moment, shows us energy of hope and renewal. It may seem a bit of a slow process for many but we have faith in you. Think collectively, globally. Many of you are doing amazing work with your energy and we, of course, support this in any way we can.
Positive over negative. Love over hate. Patience over frustration. Let the spirit of love always inspire you in all that you do. We will be doing our best to protect you in all ways allowed and agreed upon. Ask us for help, we love to roll up our sleeves and see what we can do!
Keep love in your heart and the faith for 2021. You are all deserving of this blessed energy."
In Love and Light,
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought & Affirmation
“Place your thoughts where there IS certainty…
That you really ARE stronger than you know…
That you are the master of your own creation, so get busy in setting those positive intentions!…
That what appears difficult or challenging at present has purpose in your life (or you wouldn’t be experiencing it)…
That your life has always been, and will always be, fluid;
ever changing,
ever challenging,
ever inspiring,
and most importantly,
ever rewarding.
May we suggest the following affirmation:
I am strong, I am capable.
I inspire myself daily to think positive thoughts!
I spend time with the lessons of my challenges and accomplishments. I seek to better understand how they have served me.
I choose to embrace the ebb and flow of life, in so doing I free myself of my own constraints.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Winter Season and Solstice!
“Winter. We love the benefits of this time of the year!
A time for:
Quiet, inner reflection
Cleansing; letting go of all thoughts and energies that no longer serve you
Allowing yourself to hunker down and recharge
Preparing for your tomorrows!
And need we mention snuggling in to your favorite blanket with a warm beverage? :)
Solstice….a reminder of the importance of rebirth and renewal.
We wish for you a joyful season of silence, introspection and personal release.”
-Tammy’s Guides
A Friday Thought & Affirmation
“If you had it all, would you really be satisfied?
We think not.
Keep going, keep moving, keep dreaming. Keep setting your goals and working toward them with appreciation for what you currently DO have.
The fun is in the doing, dear friends.
May we suggest the following affirmation:
I look forward to creating something magnificent each and every day!
I believe that I am capable of manifesting my dreams!
I am always learning; therefore I am patient with myself and trust in my own personal timing."
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message to all! Gifts from the heart. <3
“Spread good cheer. This is the season for it after all!
For those of you challenged with the current pandemic let us remember the simple things that can bring a smile to one’s face and a peaceful presence to the heart.
Here are some ideas we have for you in expressing your appreciation for your friends, loved ones and strangers (of course). You will have many more fabulous and innovative ideas of your own…we’re always in awe of your creativity! Please take care with healthy pandemic practices when necessary:
A hand-written letter mailed to a loved one gushing on all the attributes you admire about them. We also love the idea of sending a recorded video of yourself expressing your sentiments!
Leave a gift at their front door, knock then scurry away! Hanging around to hear their ‘thanks’ isn’t necessary (hint: the scurry-ing re-connects you to your inner extra bonus!). :)
Send or share favorite photographs of long ago. What a joy it brings to view a picture that elicits happy, joyful memories (hint: share your thoughts and emotions about this picture, how it affected you, what you were thinking, etc).
Share a heartwarming message to someone who has made a difference in your life…with details dear friends, details! The more details the better. Who doesn’t like to hear that they’ve had a positive impact on someone during their lifetime….it’s why they (and you) are here after all!
It warms our hearts to be present when you all are ‘paying it forward,’ whether it be purchasing a fellow’s being’s cup of coffee who stands behind you in line or passing on a good deed that was once lovingly passed to you. That sharing of love, validation, and a reminder that one matters is a gift akin to what we know very well here in this magical realm. A magical mirroring realm between heaven and earth.
Share the joy and wishing you many joyful returns. <3
P.S. Whoever invented doorbell ditch must’ve been privy to our shenanigans. Oh, the fun to be had! :)
The Many Blessings,
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought & Affirmation
“Let’s go forward now, shall we?
To a place we’ve yet to visit
Let’s believe in tomorrow.
Let’s build our future today, at this very moment!
We are supporting you in your efforts. <3
May we suggest the following affirmation:
I am ready for a new, positive and exciting chapter in my life!
Every day is a new day, and I am willing to explore all the goodness that life has to offer!
I am worthy of happiness, good health and positive abundance!”
-Tammy’s Guides
12/8/20 – A belated Monday Message for you. Have a wonderful week. :)
“Travel to a place and time…
Where angels live
Where peace awaits you
Where patience is a given
Where you are healthy, accepted and loved
Where you are free from worry, doubt and fear
Where you are free to create without judgement or ridicule
Where only love exists…
Travel to this place within you,
Where it has always resided, waiting patiently upon your awareness.
Embodied or in spirit, it matters not.
You are the creator you see.
Your angels and guides know this of course.
Allow them to guide you back to your inner knowing…
THIS place, THIS time…
Truly, heaven on earth.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message to you!
“These are trying times, we know. Please also know that during these trying times we are ever so close, connecting with you, uplifting your energy (when you allow us to do so), giving you a warm embrace and reminding you to never give up hope. As the world has always been an energy of ‘ebb and flow’, please know it is so at these challenging times as well.
Please practice safety for all of mankind. It is paramount at this time in your lives. You are being given the opportunity to ‘do the right thing,’ i.e., care for others, put other’s health needs first, practice cooperation and patience, exercise your innate healing gifts for yourselves and your fellow beings, to improve your listening skills, and to express how you feel.
To be a support for one another.
Please, may you also be reminded of Mother Earth’s incredible ability to help in the healing process whether it be physically or emotionally.
Step out into nature often and connect. You were given this precious gift as a daily reminder of our love for you and our continuous presence.
We are here, listening, empathizing and helping in any way we are able. Feel our tickles and our breezes, hear our words, notice our ‘famous’ number patterns and nature’s insects and animals that appear for you at ‘just the right time.’ Really, no coincidences.
Breathe deeply now our dear friends. There is always a new and promising tomorrow.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Evening Message :)
“Helping others helps your soul.
Full circle on the healing and all.
Still our favorite ‘go to.’
Best feeling ever.” <3
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy National Kindness Day!
“Please remember to be kind to one another, your planet is in great need of this.
It is not difficult, in fact it is quite simple you see.
It’s easy to be and do when you already possess the innate gifts of tenderness, empathy and compassion.
Such a simple and effortless act really.
Share what comes naturally to you.”
Kindly yours,
-Tammy’s Guides
A good evening Monday Message for you!
“You are what others dream of being.
Oh yes, it’s true.
What do you think of this statement? Does it surprise you? Do you agree? Do you doubt this idea or think, ummm…you would NOT want to be me?
Let’s remember that you have, or will, walk in everyone’s shoes during your many lifetimes of continues learning, living and experiencing.
You see, many of you end up dreaming of the same things:
Being accepted
Being loving and loved
Knowing that you matter to others and perhaps the world.
Truly one. You ARE what others dream of being. <3
-Tammy’s Guides
A belated Thursday Thought and Affirmation
“Choose NOW to be in LOVE!
With yourself…
With your loved ones…
With those who are in need
…and are still learning. <3
Yes, the time is now.
Wear the cloak of love…
…allow it to warm you so that others may also benefit from your nurturing glow.
The healer that you are. <3
May we suggest the following affirmation:
I spread unconditional love to others.
I AM love and am IN love with life!
I surrender to love!”
Happy Monday Message to you fellow Peace Makers! :)
“Arguing and needing to be right can often create DIVISION, separation, loneliness, not to mention anger and frustration.
Sharing and having a compassionate, open-minded discussion creates UNITY. An acceptance that everyone is entitled to their own personal opinion and that it is not your responsibility to change that opinion.
A gentle reminder that it is okay to ‘agree to disagree.’ We say better yet, it is also okay to avoid certain topics of discussion with others that will get neither of you anywhere except, quite possibly, further apart.
We want you together.
Please be gentle with each other through these times. Pick positive, uplifting topics to discuss. Be there for each other if needed through challenging times as well.
Your blessed planet is in dire need of this collective unity. Choose your words wisely dear friends.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message!
“Don’t take yourself so seriously. We don’t.
We take you for who you are,
warm, loving, and imperfect.
Light a candle for yourself today (your choice of color).
Place it in a space that is appealing to the eye.
Take a moment to honor yourself;
where you are now,
where you have been,
where you have yet to go.
Victory is for those who honor themselves and their accomplishments,
who keep on trying,
who never give up.
who ask for help when needed. <3
Feel our encouragement dear friends, our undying love for you.
We are not far,
…ever so present.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought & Affirmation
“If you saw yourself as we see you…
Your heart would melt.
You’d be oh so proud.
You’d want to befriend you. <3
May we suggest the following affirmation:
I love myself!
I attract loving vibrations.
I am admired, loved and supported.
I make for a great friend.
Amazing, just amazing!
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Night Message!
“Just a thought…what if every day was your Friday?
Well, we know that’s not exactly how it works in your world, but…what if…
instead of waking up on your Mondays feeling trapped, feeling sad and feeling like you can’t wait for Friday…
What if instead you treated every day like it WAS your Friday.
Oh, did we just hear a chuckle? You know, like in that sarcastic way when you think that we must be crazy? :)
Ok, yes, realistically you may have different things on your ‘to do’ list for your Mondays or your Tuesdays or your Wednesdays or your Thursdays, but…you ALWAYS have the choice to view these ‘in between days’ as if they were your Fridays. Not impossible you know.
Give it a try this week.
Allow yourself to wake up each morning with that ‘Friday’ feeling of excitement and anticipation (but you must promise to do this with an earnest, positive intention).
See how your week feels for you.
Just imagine… donuts potentially every day of the week. :)
TGIMTWTF (formerly TGIF…S&S are a given)” ;)
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought & Affirmation
“Oh, when those positive thoughts and intentions manifest, won’t you be ever so pleased?
Don’t wait. Bask in the pleasure now! Brings that desired manifestation a little closer, a little faster.
May we suggest the following affirmation:
I feel and am experiencing the positive outcome of my dreams right now...right this moment.
I am deserving of manifesting my desires.
I am an amazing creator! All my positive intentions come to fruition!”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message! Better keep on minding your p’s and q’s!
Gentle Scoldings From the Universe, Part 2:
“Eat your vegetables, they’re good for you. They are rich in nutrients and fuel your body!”
“How do you know you don’t like it if you haven’t tried it? As long as it’s safe and healthy, open up yourself to new experiences, then you can REALLY say if you like it or not!”
“I hope someday you have children just like you. (I really do as you’re pretty amazing!”)
“If you don't do it NOW, then when are you going to do it? We always tell you that the time is NOW to start working on your dreams and manifestations!”
“I'm doing this for your own good. Do I really need to remind you that everything has purpose and meaning?!”
“Isn’t it past your bedtime? Your sleep matters! It is a time to rest, refresh and revive your soul! Now get into bed. Oh, and sweet dreams.”
“Money does NOT grow on trees. But…it does grow within your expectations or limitations!”
“What if everyone jumped off a cliff? Would you do it too? How many times do I have to tell you that you need to march to the beat of your own magnificent drum. Be still so you can listen to what matters to YOU and not to what others may or may not think or expect of you! Make your own decisions based on what ‘feels’ right to YOU!!”
“Why, when I was your age, I had to walk ten miles through the snow, uphill, to go to school. Just maybe you should ask yourself…am I over-exaggerating this situation? Is this really SO hard! Things could be worse! C’mon, don’t sweat the small stuff, you got this!” (and it really was exhausting you know, sore legs the next day… ;)
“You don't always get what you want. It's a hard lesson, but you might as well learn it now! Well, okay, not saying you will never get what you want…but…we always say, while you may not always GET what you ‘want,’ you will always GET what you ‘need.’”
“I will always love you, no matter what!” (fact).
“Now go out and play…it’s another beautiful day!”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message! Better mind your p’s and q’s! :)
Gentle Scoldings From the Universe, Part 1:
“Didn’t I tell you that what you dwell on becomes your reality?”
“Why are you letting others take advantage of you? I never taught you that. Respect yourself!”
“Pick up your stuff! A cluttered space and a cluttered mind go hand in hand.”
“How many times do I have to tell you that you have choices, even when you feel you don’t, you do! C’mon now, you’re not as ‘stuck’ as you think you are!”
“Do you think I'm made of money? Well I AM made of abundance so guess are too!”
“Don’t make me get up ‘cuz if I do there’s gonna be some big changes coming your way!”
“Don’t walk away when I’m talking to you! Okay, maybe go take some deep breaths and then come on back. I’ve got some great stuff to tell you.”
“I brought you into this world and I can take you right back out (with your permission) so don’t be so smug and cynical…your life is what you make of it and it IS worth living!”
“I don’t care what ‘everyone’ is doing. I care what YOU are doing.” (no further explanation needed).
“I just want what’s best for you.” (also, no further explanation needed).
“I love you.
Now go outside and play, it’s a beautiful day!”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message to you! Finding the balance.
"Work, Relax, Enjoy
Working to bring stability, satisfaction and of course, financial abundance.
Relax because you have earned it and because it refuels the body, mind and spirit.
Enjoy the fruits of your labor. You need to recognize what it is you have been working so hard for so you can work just as hard at receiving the gifts!
And okay, let’s add a third one:
Why, gratitude of course! What a blessing to create, take pause, pursue dreams and be oh so grateful for it all.
Every day dear friends…
find your balance."
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought & Affirmation
“Pretend that you are healthy.
Pretend that you are happy.
Pretend that life is easy.
Pretend that what you believe in becomes your reality.
Why pretend? Well, why not? You were so good at it when you were a child, just arriving from Source where you knew that pretending and imagination reminded you of Home, where everything and anything is possible. <3
May we suggest the following affirmation:
I will be more attentive to the thoughts I choose to lie my attention on.
I am imaginative and therefore, can imagine the life of my dreams.
My inner child reminds me that my imagination is a powerful manifesting tool.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Evening Message to You
"Shhh, listen. Do you hear it? The quiet of your mind?
Shhh, it’s okay dear one, try again.
Breathe, take your time.
In and out.
That’s right. Relax your body…every muscle…from head to toe.
Can you hear your breathing?
Can you feel the rhythm of your breathing?
That’s good.
That’s it, doing great now.
Can you feel our love circling you, bathing you in divine light? Reminding you that life is worth living, even when it seems impossible?
In the quiet of your mind resides hope, and with hope, there is always the promise of a new day, a new way of thinking,
and a new way of believing."
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought & Affirmation
“Rest in the now, you’re in the right place. Your circumstances will change so allow yourself to learn what is needed in this present moment.
May we suggest the following affirmation:
When I am grounded, I am sure of where I am.
I listen to this present moment and let it speak to me. What am I learning?
Life is ever changing. I am aware that I have choices. What do I choose?
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message to you! Shine on!
Pure divine love and light. What does that look and feel like exactly?
Well then, since we’re speaking of YOU, ;) why don’t you describe it to us? You are the expert after all!
Bringing all that brilliancy and sparkle into your beloved body, flaunting it for all the world to see (and feel).
Notice how it changes depending on your ‘mood’? Sometimes it dims, sometimes it shines brightly, sometimes it wavers with uncertainty, but always, it remains pure divine love and light.
We love to bask in your light you know. Ever feel us there? (especially when you’re wavering with that uncertainty).
And always, helping to bring you back to what you already know.
Please take good care of this light…your brilliant light. Nourish it, cherish it. Remind yourself just how lucky and deserving you are to BE it.
IN love and light,
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought & Affirmation
“Mind your manners.
Think before you speak.
Trust your gut.
Don’t be so hard on yourself.
Take things in stride.
Practice meditation.
We could go on,
But these are some of the good ones. :)
May we suggest the following affirmations:
I am respectful and therefore respected.
I count to 10 before I respond to an emotional issue.
I listen to my intuition.
I will go easy on myself. I’m not perfect nor am I expected to be.
I go with the flow and trust.
I visit myself on a daily basis.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought & Affirmation
“When you’re not sure where to go…
go within.
We’ll meet you there.
May we suggest the following affirmation:
The answers to my questions lie within me.
I trust, therefore I know.
I am loved and led to where I need to be.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message! Bring on the new day!
“Every day you awaken to a fresh start, even if it’s a continuation of the day before (going to work, continuing a project, etc). A fresh start even still. Those thoughts and expectations of yours….powerful stuff and ready to manifest whatever it is you are lying your attention on at the moment.
So, keep that in mind when you, once again, arise to a new and glorious day. Yours for the making regardless of what it is you feel you need to accomplish or whatever it is that transpired the day before. A true blessing, those powers of manifestation that each and every one of you possess. Let’s go over the list.
Fresh Start:
Visualize Yourself Having a Stress-Free Day (and notice when your day unfolds how the ‘stressful’ parts ‘surprisingly’ feel less stressful). J
Set a Positive Intention for the Day
Believe You are Worthy of Receiving it!
Receive the Experiences with Joy and Gratitude.
Voila! (did we just hear a sigh of relief? to our ears.)” J
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought & Affirmation
“Remember when you were very little? Well, we do. You were lovable, imaginative, trusting, determined and playful. You still are dear friends. Shake off the conditioning and return to your core essence.
Just as lovable as you were then. :)
May we suggest the following affirmation:
I will hug my inner child daily.
I happily release any negative thoughts about myself.
Regardless of my past conditioning, I choose today to renew faith in myself and in mankind."
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message!
“Many of you are on standby, a hiatus, on hold, an intermission, a respite or an interlude.
When your personal world’s challenges lessen, diminish, recede, and subside you will again find yourself rebuilding, reconstructing, restoring and recovering.
You already possess faith, belief, visualization, manifestation and determination…luckily, just the very tools you will need to get the job done.
Stay strong. You are ever so loved and supported.” <3
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought & Affirmation
“Remember when you thought you couldn’t possibly get through that challenging time?? And you are. Glad to see that you made it through (just like you will again when the next growth opportunity comes your way). :) Give yourself a hug. You’ve got this. <3
May we suggest the following affirmation:
I trust in my ability to overcome any challenges.
I will remind myself that I am capable and strong enough to handle any challenging situation.
I find comfort in knowing that I am truly supported and loved through difficult times.
I honor and value my personal journey.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message for you! Wrapping us all in love. <3
“When you enter into this lifetime surrounded by those you’ve chosen to participate in life with, you are most likely challenged right from the start. These challenges may endure throughout your lifetime bringing many valuable lessons along the way. We do not ask of you, however, to participate in victimization, abuse or being around those who you know innately ‘are just not good for you.’ We say, bring your awareness to the lesson learned, reflect on how you would feel if you were to disengage with that person and if it will serve you better to remove yourself from their energy.
While you are all students with potential for growth, being the teacher for others for too long a time can also feel exhausting and repetitive. Whatever your choice may be….spend time with the lesson. Regardless, every person in your life has something to teach you. Every person offers you something of value. Some of it will be obvious, some of it may be on a much deeper level that may not be easily recognized, maybe not even until you have transitioned.
In any case…
Spend some time in gratitude for relationships where you feel loved and freely love in return. (Yay!)
Spend some time in gratitude for those that are challenging you and opposing you, requiring you to dig deeper within. (also a Yay!)
Love of self, first and foremost…is always the journey and, of course, the final destination.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought & Affirmation
“Compliments can literally change one’s energy from sad to happy. Think of it as an instant hug of healing!
May we suggest the following affirmation:
I am grateful for, and worthy of receiving compliments.
I love to compliment others and graciously accept compliments in return.
I recognize and embrace the healing energy of a sincere compliment.
More helpful than you know…”<3
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message. Found myself quite relaxed after this one! :)
“Place your hands upon your stomach. This is where you breathe. Let the breath go in and out, releasing your stomach back toward your spine on the exhale. This is a good practice to help bring awareness to your breath.
Your breath is everything; your relaxer, your focuser, your releaser.
Inhale divine healing light and exhale any stresses, fears, illnesses or worries.
Breathe to your comfort level. Feeling better? So simple, isn’t it?
Your own amazing personal tool to use as often as you like, wherever and whenever.
We’re feeling more and more relaxed just watching you.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought & Affirmation
“The Divine resides within you
…and when you know the Divine resides within you…
Then you know you have the strength to carry yourself forward, persevere and manifest those worthy dreams and desires.
…Allow yourself to know…
May we suggest the following affirmation:
I am strong and capable in every aspect of my life.
I am gently guided and have faith in the Divine.
I am willing to do the work to arrive at my desired destination.
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message to you! Find your inner peace.
“While the waiting may be challenging, we know you have what it takes to tap into your inner strength.
A reminder that for many of you at this present time, it is about allowing yourself to ‘go with the flow.’ Yes, you are allowed.
Be safe but also balance your safety with visits to your dear Mother Earth. Allow yourself to connect with nature. She is more than willing to aid in your healing. Feel her vibration, touch her leaves, her grass, her waters. Be present.
See if you’re not in a better place by the end of your visit. ;)
A reminder that you can drop in unannounced anytime. She likes surprises, and has a comfy spot waiting just for you.” <3
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought & Affirmation
“True that the ‘past is the past.’ Yes, indeed it is. However, your past has brought you to where you are now. It’s okay to reflect on it from time to time. Presently, what do you know for certain now? We bet you know plenty.
Make peace with it if necessary and thank it for what it has taught you. Everything…purpose and meaning.
May we suggest the following affirmation:
My past has been a benefit to me.
I cherish the fond memories and the challenging lessons that were provided.
Experiences of my past brings me forth to today which helps me better determine my future.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message. Celebrate you!
“Pick a title (e.g., YOUR NAME's Day). Pick a date, pick a time.
Reserve it.
Dedicate yourself to this day. This day is yours and this time is yours.
Write what you feel on this day, acknowledge how far you’ve come. Affirm what it is you still need, wish to do or learn (vision boards work well too!).
Breathe, and release the breath. Notice how empowered you’re starting to feel. This is your day to believe in all that is good, all that is possible.
When you give attention to this ‘date with self’ it brings the importance and the acceptance that what you lie your attention on becomes possible.
Warning: Dates with self can be addicting…in a good way, of course. We hope you indulge in them frequently.”
-Tammy’s Guides
A belated Thursday Thought & Affirmation
“The occasional wrong means you’re doing something right.
You are here to learn.
May we suggest the following affirmation:
I accept my imperfections as opportunity for growth.
Wrong or right, I am loved.
I am humbled by the lessons of humility.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Monday Evening Random Channeled Tidbits – Have a great week!
“We are here for you. Whenever you have some time…talk to us. We do hear you, we do listen.”
“You listen to yourself every day, for hours at a time. Allow your mind to rest, connect to Source and unwind.”
“Many of you are challenged with this pandemic. It will dissipate but you will need to be part of the solution. You know what is important and necessary. Many of you are divided in belief and expectation.
Center your focus on UNITY. No need to wonder ‘how’ this unity is to happen, just that it is ‘expected.’ Miracles often happen from expectations. Start from there. Collective manifestations can be challenging but not impossible. And we’re (and you!) are all about possibility!” – Tammy’s Guides
Side note from Tammy: I really like this last message from my guides. I like the idea of centering our meditations on an expectation or visual of a collective unity toward ending the pandemic. We don’t have to wonder how that’s going to happen or get to ‘heady’ about it because the word or thought of unity is an energy in itself (a powerful word, don’t you think?). It knows what it means and perhaps our prayers and centered intention will help bring that to light in the best way possible. Toss aside the need to want to figure it out…let’s focus on, have faith in, believe in and ‘see’ the world UNITED in battling this pandemic.
Just a thought….(ok, maybe that was channeled, lol!)
Thursday Thought & Affirmation
Listen to your body, it tells you what it needs.
It likes to be at rest,
be fed nourishing foods,
hydrated, exercised and pampered among other wonderful acts of kindness.
(And yes, sometimes it may like a wee bit of chocolate). ;)
May we suggest the following affirmation:
I love and respect my body.
My body is a beautiful temple that I so greatly admire.
I pay close attention to the messages it gives me.
-Tammy’s Guides
Our Monday Message for you! Have a beautiful day!
“Keep the momentum going. You’re doing great! Each of you, at your own pace.
‘Ugh! (you say), I feel like my wheels just keep spinning.’
Well (we say)…your ‘spinning wheels’ are allowing you time to reflect and to offer you a space to heal, create and then manifest. Just because someone is going faster than you doesn’t mean you have zero chance of arriving at your destination, dear friend.
Each soul has their own timetable, based on what they’ve brought forth to learn in a lifetime. Remember, it’s up to YOU to motivate yourself, set your goals, believe in them and execute them.
The main message here is…you CAN arrive at your desired destination. Weed out doubt and false messages that told you you’re not worthy enough. Of course you are!
Climbing back on the seat again? Great! Looks to us like you’re going somewhere pretty important. Your timing is perfect.👌
(We like bicycles built for two, by the way...makes our journey with you a bit more comfortable). ;)
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought & Affirmation
“When you are presented with something unexpected, unforeseen, or have been taken by surprise…
take a deep breath.
It is time for change, renewal and opportunity. A fresh new beginning awaits you.
May we suggest the following affirmation:
I am open to new experiences that support my higher good.
I allow myself to shift direction when I am guided to do so knowing that change is sometimes necessary to enhance my spiritual growth.
I trust that I am lovingly supported along my path.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Glorious Monday to you! Feeling confidant today. :)
“It’s okay to test the waters. Bravery is important here on the earth plane. Without taking that risk, that step into the unknown, you would not have what you enjoy on a daily basis from others who have already paved the way for you. So, come on in, the water’s fine! Splash around a bit, have some fun (you’re allowed that too.)
You see, you must ‘do’ in order to ‘accomplish’ dear friends. We have faith in you! If that particular water source isn’t to your liking, why, all you need to do is hop out, dry off, meditate, visualize, affirm and then step into another. Endless opportunities abound. :)
Be fearless, be brave, be confident. You WILL be supported! (yes, that’s US on the sidelines, waving and clapping enthusiastically!)”
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought & Affirmation
“You are also here to illuminate and shine the light for others to learn more about themselves. And of course, the favor is graciously offered in return.
May we suggest the following affirmation:
May what I share with others be just what they need to see, hear or feel and be conveyed with a loving intention.
I am open to respectful feedback and/or constructive criticism.
I embrace my role as both the teacher and the student in this wonderful classroom called life.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message! Embrace yourself and all that you are!
"The artist who creates
The adventurer who takes risks
The dreamer who sees
The poet who expresses
The survivor who teaches
The companion who supports
The light worker who heals
The mediator who brings balance
The protagonist who advocates
The antagonist who challenges
You encompass all of these positions in life at one time or another. Embrace the many attributes you are given. You are more ‘well-rounded’ than you know.
You see, you are like diamonds with many beautiful facets, shining your brilliancy for all to see.
No wonder we love to gaze upon you so…
Breathtaking, really.
Falling more and more in love, each and every day."
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought & Affirmation
“How can life be so easy for some and so complicated for others?
We say, choose wisely.
Yes, with any given situation, no matter the difficulty of the challenge, you get to decide...’I can do this’ or ‘I resist this.’ Those that choose to view life as uncomplicated and adventurous will simply have an ‘easier’ life.
May we suggest the following affirmation:
When I am challenged, I choose to remain optimistic.
I expect to live my life with joy.
I deserve to be happy!
Simple words for a simpler life.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message! Have a beautiful week.
“When you have done something knowingly wrong, hurt someone intentionally or unintentionally, please apologize.
Apologizing does not weaken you nor disempower you. It is a gift to both participants creating space for a greater teaching; compassion, acceptance, understanding, empathy, patience, commitment. Quite an impressive list, isn’t it?
A heartfelt verbal or written apology feels like a big ‘ole hug of healing.
You can do it. In the doing, we promise you dear friends, you will not be sacrificing your own personal power.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought & Affirmation
“Count your blessings. Every single day. Count your blessings.
Why not help yourself create more of what you already deserve?
May we suggest the following affirmation:
I recognize the goodness in life.
I am thankful for ALL lessons bestowed upon me.
I choose to be consciously grateful today.
-Tammy’s Guides
Monday Night Message For You!
While you are sleeping, give yourself a hug.
Your sleep state is the perfect time to let go, rejuvenate and unwind.
Set some positive intentions before you succumb to your slumber.
Perhaps it’s to heal thyself while on the astral.
Maybe it’s to remind yourself that you can accomplish anything if you put your mind to it and that you will be reminded of this promise upon wakening.
How about setting an intention of bringing your dreams to full consciousness in the morning? Many have received just the right answers they were looking for.
Epiphanies are born of such an act!
Your sleep state offers you the time and space to heal.
Rest, release and refresh.
Sleep well dear friends.
-Tammy's Guides
Thursday Thought & Affirmation
“When challenges come knocking at your door, open up. Invite them in for a chat. Refusing to open the door only delays the inevitable.
The challenges are here to help you learn and grow.
May we suggest the following affirmation:
I recognize that the challenges in my life are here to help me on my spiritual path.
I choose to see the potential value in all situations that challenge me.
I am able to persevere through all challenges in a healthy positive way.
I am lovingly guided and supported throughout my journey.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message. Love is in the air… <3
“When you are waiting for Love, there is Love waiting for you.
You know what comes next…you need to do the work! When you believe you have what it takes to attract your ideal partner then, well, your ideal partner comes to you.
But! (you say) I dream about him/her all the time! I pray for him/her to arrive! I’ve done everything I can think of!
(We say) have you been completely honest with yourself? Have you given your blocks, resistance and fears a voice? Or have you asked but chose not to listen? Perhaps too raw, too painful, too much work to ‘hear’ and then have to do something about it?
But! (you say) well, yeah….sort of.
(We say) Go deep dear friend. Continue asking the questions as to why you have not allowed a loving partner to enter your life. Maybe you’re not as ready as you thought, perhaps you have some childhood conditioning to contend with, perhaps you’re not loving yourself as much as WE’D like to see you do. Because of course we KNOW just how worthy you REALLY are of manifesting love in your life!
Start the process of discovery. Dig deep and then deeper even still. Answers to your questions do indeed lie within. When they surface…listen. Decide that doubt, fear, beliefs of unworthiness do NOT get to play within your space. They are foreign to you and have no validity.
Keep your eye on the prize all the while expecting your desired outcome, the desired relationship you imagine for yourself. Write it down, create a vision board. Is it the vision of the happy couple strolling along the beach? (no pressure, but we really, really like this visual)…or….the lonely person who has decided they’ll never find a loving partner (you should see our face on this one). :(
Love yourself first, and always, foremost.
Dig deep. Allow fears to surface. Check in on past conditioning and expectations.
Find healthy ways to release what simply isn’t true (and get the help if needed to do so).
Start visualizing and affirming out loud what you already KNOW you are worthy of creating and receiving.
…there is Love waiting for you.” <3
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought & Affirmation
“Bring peace within so that you may spread peace throughout.
May be suggest the following affirmation:
I initiate peace within myself.
I choose to value and honor the uniqueness of all mankind.
My heart is full of love and acceptance"
-Tammy's Guides
Monday Message for you :)
"Come from humble beginnings.
It’s never too late and no matter what your status in this lifetime, we say again…
come from humble beginnings.
The knowledge you have accumulated as a soul is indeed valuable and important but when you approach life with humility you may find yourself more flexible, more easily open to new experiences, new suggestions, new ways of seeing and being.
It’s okay to be ‘but a babe in the woods’ now and then. The accumulated knowledge, along with your innate intuition, will help guide you to making the right choices and decisions.
You’re never alone. Right by your side. Admiring your appreciation.
Ever so humbly yours,"
-Tammy’s Guides
Monday Message for you :)
"Come from humble beginnings.
It’s never too late and no matter what your status in this lifetime, we say again…
come from humble beginnings.
The knowledge you have accumulated as a soul is indeed valuable and important but when you approach life with humility you may find yourself more flexible, more easily open to new experiences, new suggestions, new ways of seeing and being.
It’s okay to be ‘but a babe in the woods’ now and then. The accumulated knowledge, along with your innate intuition, will help guide you to making the right choices and decisions.
You’re never alone. Right by your side. Admiring your appreciation.
Ever so humbly yours,"
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought & Affirmation
“You need not be defined by other people’s opinions or expectations of you.
Be you. Love you.
May we suggest the following affirmation:
I am me. I am loving, capable and important.
I stand strong in my inner knowing.
My intuition guides me.
My opinion of myself matters first and foremost.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought & Affirmation
“Do you hear the birds sing? Yes, we do too. Delightful isn’t it? Notice how they voice their truths loud and clear for all to hear? Never wavering in their inner strength and belief that they were born worthy of expression and worthy of being heard? Existing in their own world, yet participating with all that Mother Nature has to offer them? We all have much to learn from our fine feathered friends.
May we suggest the following affirmations:
I freely express myself in all positive ways.
I am worthy of being heard and validated.
I am valued in all aspects of my life.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message! Have a wonderful week :)
“Spring brings forward the thoughts and emotions of renewal.
During these challenging times you still, and will always have, the ability to cleanse, release and create anew.
Your imagination is your own personal and sacred gift.
Let it have free rein!”
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought & Affirmation
“You have every right to feel the way you do but may we gently remind you that your personal feelings create the outer circumstances of your life. Please be kind with yourself sweet soul.
May we suggest the following affirmations:
I allow my feelings to surface.
I honor my emotions.
My feelings matter.
I am consciously aware that what I dwell upon becomes bigger.
I choose to acknowledge and release negative thoughts.
I affirm positive, loving intentions for myself and for others.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message. Just ask! :)
“Don’t worry, we got you! This is what we say to you every time you need a lift. Reach out to us!
When you are feeling ‘weak’ please remember that you have a large reservoir of strength to draw from. It’s a bottomless reservoir actually. You ARE capable whether emotionally and/or physically to make changes for yourself. Changes for the better.
Oh yes, the ‘feeling stuck’ part. You’re getting help with that too you know, but wouldn’t it be easier if you just reached out for help? Besides your steadfast faith in God and The Universe and we your Guides, Angels and Masters (and that’s quite a team, wouldn’t you say?) you also have your fellow brothers and sisters on the planet that may have just what you need to get UN-stuck. May have just the solution or suggestion that you haven’t thought of yet.
Reach out. Don’t be too afraid or embarrassed or proud. Instead decide that you’re going to give courage, perseverance and faith a try. Let others do what they’re also here to do - HELP one another.
But do please remember to call upon us anytime. We’re always willing to help in any way we can. You know where we live. Pretty close to where YOU live…AND…you don’t have to travel far.” ;)
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought & Affirmation
“Why put so much energy into what other people think of you? Take time to pull back your energy from others. You do not belong in their energy nor they in yours.
Protect your energy on a daily basis. Bask in your own creative and divine light. Much better than sitting in someone else’s space, waiting to be noticed. :)
May we suggest the following affirmation:
I am enough.
I feel alive, satisfied and present with me, myself and I!
I have healthy boundaries.
Another person’s opinion of me does not define who I am, nor my actions.
Loving you for YOU!” – Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message! Have a beautiful week!
“Become one with the ebb and flow of life. There will be that time when you must decide where your next journey begins. Allow the visuals to come, they will help to guide you.
Your INNATE needs, wants and desires do and can manifest so why not help bring them to fruition? One of your greatest gifts are the gifts of visualization and imagination. You already have the basis (the innate needs) so now love yourself enough to know that you are DESERVING of the wants and desires as well. You have established this ‘knowing’ long ago. The practice of visualization and imagination will just be a little reminder. :)
Your wants…well, that can be another story…or maybe not! True indeed we find that the things you’ve come into this lifetime needing, you find a way to manifest. The wants…ahhh well that’s the fun part of life, isn’t it? Maybe even the challenge…but we know you’re up for a challenge (YES…you ARE!).
Are you finding that your ‘wants’ are not showing up for you in your manifestations? Well now, that’s where you get to do the inner work (and a big part of why you’re here we may add). What’s blocking you from having the things you want? A message given to you long ago in this lifetime (or past) that said you couldn’t have it? A conditioning from childhood? A lack of self-love and self-worthiness? Is it easier for you to go without this said want? If so, why? Ask yourself how the ‘not having’ is serving you (the idea of ‘working for it’ can feel overwhelming for some).
And while it’s true that you most likely will always get what you need but not always what you want…the ‘want’ part is your homework you see. Go within, dig deeper into your beliefs and expectations around these ‘wants.’ You are excellent students, dear friends, and are here to learn.
May we suggest you:
Dig deep and explore.
Release self-doubt.
Affirm self-worth.
Dream BIG, imagine, and visualize.
WE have tremendous faith in YOU and your impressive manifestations!”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Late Monday Tidbits! Here are a few random messages coming in this evening. The messages may or may not be inter-connected. Wishing you continued good health, both physically and emotionally.
“Breathe the air, exhale. Be close to the earth, allow its loving vibration to bring you peace. This deep connection awaits you, has always been present and wants nothing more than to be noticed and loved by you in return.
Let yourself be heard, the world awaits your comments, suggestions and point of views.
We are here to help guide you to your inner peace so that you may experience it for yourself. So much sweeter that way. So much more meaningful.
Reach out when in need. Your duty is to yourself first and foremost, otherwise how can you possibly save another when you yourself are floundering?
There will always be those who will try to convince you that you are not worthy. Stand your ground. You are a worthy opponent to any adversary. Most likely they are challenged with their own self-worth. Might want to send them a little love.
Whenever there is time in the day, and of course there always is, remind yourself of how powerful your current thoughts are in manifesting your reality. What does your heart desire?
Daydreaming….doesn’t it feel good? It’s supposed to you know. Allows you to stretch the imagination.
When you feel uncertain allow yourself to feel the uncertainty. Nothing more is required of you at that moment. As with any emotion you have ever felt, it too will be fleeting.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday to all! Celebrating ME today! :)
“Dearest friends, the day you were born into this particular lifetime was a day we all celebrated so very deeply and so very loudly for all to hear! Lots of trumpets on this end! The announcement of your re-entrance onto your lovely earth plane. Full of excitement and endless possibilities! Gosh, how we loved that day. :)
Can you see why then your birthday (and your friends and loved one’s birthdays) are worth celebrating? Not surprising that you’ve all manifested a way to remember that very special event. You have created for yourselves a way to never forget the LOVE you brought forth on that very special day. The promise you made to yourself to continue your own individual sacred journeys of exploration, manifestation, healing and commitment.
There are those of you, we know, that are not ‘interested’ in celebrating YOUR SPECIAL DAY (yes, we’re shouting). Why, dear friends? Are you concerned about the ‘number’ it may be? Kudos to the dear friend who originally coined the phrase ‘age is just a number’ (a very clever, thoughtful and insightful soul may we add). Your birthday is all about celebrating YOU and your decision to participate once again. Your birthday is a reminder to take the time to credit yourself, love yourself, forgive yourself, wrap yourself in your arms and know that you are worthy of all that is good. It is a reminder of our love for you and how very, very special you are to us and those you touch.
Please, please honor yourself on YOUR special day. It is perfectly acceptable to be noticed and cherished. Let yourself receive. Allow yourself to feel appreciated by others. It’s YOUR day so allow yourself to gloat a little….everyone gets that opportunity.
Honor those you love as well on their special day. You get to help remind them of how very special THEY are….such an important and wonderful position to be in!
So, when your birthday comes along do something fun to honor yourself. May we also suggest sitting quietly (a little meditation works best). Let us remind you of the celebration of the day, YOUR birth-day. Feel our presence, our love. Let us replay the symphony for you (reminder… it may sound like harps, drums, chimes, flutes and loud trumpets). Wrap your ever-loving arms around yourself and squeeeeeze. We will be anxiously awaiting our turn when you are done. :)
Wing hug!”
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought & Affirmation:
“When you are in love with life...
life enthusiastically loves you in return.
May we suggest the following affirmations:
I love and embrace my life.
I recognize that my thoughts and expectations shape my experiences and strive to be more conscious of this.
I choose to align my thoughts with love, happiness, good health, prosperity and a peaceful existence for all.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday everyone!
“Finding humor in life brings the balance one needs to reset and recharge one's energy.
Allow yourself to chuckle, giggle, or enjoy a good ole belly laugh. Notice how, from beginning to end, the act itself builds momentum followed by a joyous release of pent up energy. We often see it as a giant exhale of fear, stress, anxiety. The giggling and chuckling throughout the day appears to us as letting off necessary steam, allowing you to feel that balance. You could all use a little more of this right now, wouldn’t you say? So…the message for you today is this:
Giggle, chuckle, laugh. We get a kick out of it as well. Your laughter is contagious…feel free to spread THIS one around!
Grinning ear to ear…” :)
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought & Affirmation✨
"Share your beautiful, unique self. You always have opportunity to bring healing to someone with your own personal expression.❤️
May we suggest the following affirmation:
I allow my gifts to shine.
I have so much to give.
I trust that my positive self expression will be an inspiration to others."
-Tammy's Guides
“Personal choices reflect where you are currently.
Or might we say it this way…
Where you are now is a manifestation of your personal choices.
Cumulatively and individually, in challenging times and in times of reward.
See how easy it is?
Wait, did we just hear you say that not everything can be so easy?
Hmmm, listen to yourself…yep, personal choice once again.
But this was done to ME!
Tricky one yes. Maybe you can take a peek inside and see if there was ever a moment in regards to personal choice where you might see that you had certain expectations of an outcome or how you were to be treated?
Even then with this we’d say…personal choice.
So, let’s just say you are deciding right here and now that you will see your challenges as easy to overcome, that all the right answers and people will come your way (and at the right time) and that all the experiences you’ve had thus far offered up some very valuable lessons.
Personal choice as to how you will perceive any given situation.
We’re feeling it, are you? It’s resonating, right?
Personal choices create your reality. Keep your thoughts positive and uplifting so that you may feel satisfied with your outcomes.
Visit yourself and your choices often. Listen to your intuition, let it guide you. Ask yourself how it feels to you before making that final decision.
CHOICE is a gift, a blessing bestowed upon your sweet little soul from the very start of your sacred journey.
Supporting you was OUR personal choice (with your agreement of course).
Choosing to be by your side and help guide you was an EASY one for us.
And may we just add, THE best decision we ever made. :)
Blessings to all,”
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought✨
"During these challenging times, YOU ARE:
Recognizing and thanking your fellow service workers (nurses, doctors, grocery clerks, drive-thru employees, etc) for being present for you. Imagine that?
Connecting/checking in on friends and family members more than you ever did before.
Visiting yourself…bringing awareness to your own physical and emotional well-being.
Thinking about your hopes and dreams for the future. What do I want to lie my attention on or do differently going forward?
Really feeling for those who are currently struggling to survive due to health or for those unable to work at present. Collectively experiencing the energy of being in 'one-another’s shoes.'
Appreciating every little thing you cannot do right now or do not have access to.
Never ever going to take anything for granted ever again."
- Tammy's Guides😇
P.S. Keep up the good work, we are extremely proud. <3
Happy Monday Message! Be well friends.
"Regardless of the situation you may find yourself in presently, let yourself be reminded of the lesson it presents.
We love the fact that you are listening more, entertaining yourselves, providing solace and service to others. Just where you need to be, for yourselves and those you interact with.
We commend you for tapping into your innate resources where all knowing resides. Your appreciation for life in your current state of affairs brings you closer to the realization that your planet is in need of a collective healing energy. We say…well heal away then!!
How, you ask us? Start with your own wonderful energy. Affirm self love, practice protection of energy, release any negative influences (fear, dismay, anger, resentment) and instead set your intentions on world peace, love, healing, prayer and expectations for a healthy, beautiful tomorrow. Please remember the power of affirmations.
Bring your enthusiastic and uplifting energy to a friend, family member or stranger in need. What better way could there be to heal your planet than to take care of you and your fellow earth friends?
Opportunities abound at this time our dear friends. You will have the final say as to how your own particular world turns out for YOU.
Yes, you are most definitely all in this together. Please don’t ever forget the gift this lesson brings to each and every one of you.
Call upon us anytime for support and inspiration. We always look forward to connecting with you. We plan on giving you a call as well…pay attention to the nudges." :)
Thursday Thought and Affirmation✨
“Monumental events bring monumental change.
May we suggest the following affirmation:
I trust and am open to receiving all lessons that come my way.
I have strength enough to weather any storm.
I am resilient.
I am confident that the lessons provided will only help to enlighten me on my spiritual path.
My journey is filled with love and support for myself and for others.”❤️
-Tammy’s Guides
A very happy and healthy Monday Message to you!
“There is going to be a great deal of love pouring out of the hearts of many. People who are in need of this love will feel it, and welcome it. This outpouring will prove to be historical in itself, noteworthy, and for many, bring about a much needed awareness of self-appreciation and in turn, appreciation for others.
Some of you are feeling limited and helpless during this challenging time, this we see. Please know there are many ways to reach out to others; a phone call, a hand-written note (remember those?). Check in on those that may need some extra attention right now. This is a critical time to listen to one another…and to be heard. These selfless acts will be rewarded. The Universe has a way of responding enthusiastically to acts generated from love.
Continue to improve upon your lifestyle at this time. Connecting with yourself and others, exploring creative endeavors; writing, drawing, singing, dancing. Purge old things that no longer serve you, both on an emotional level and physical level.
Notice how you are all feeling unified in spirit, feeling the compassion across your globe? Yes, that’s what we’re noticing too.
Dear friends, we continue to surround you with love and support. We see progress being made so please keep your eye on the prize. We are a collective team and appreciate all the help we can get. :)
There WILL be a new beginning and a renewed appreciation for life, freedom, mankind and your planet. And as we always like to remind you…Always For Something, Never For Nothing.”
Continue to shine YOUR positive, brilliant light so that others may bask in that sacred space of support and encouragement.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy First Day of Spring! Hoping this writing finds you safe and well. In light of the challenges we are now currently facing, I'm hoping that my Guide's message might bring a positive reminder for us all. They were a bit chatty with this one. Blessings to all!💕
"Times of uncertainty. What has been delivered to you is direct and to the point. Life as you know it, in this moment, has changed. For some temporarily and for others permanently. In which ever state you may find yourself, we ask you to remain calm at this time. Yes, keep yourselves informed and practice your good health habits, but please resist the urge to succumb to the energy of fear.
It does feel a bit scary though doesn’t it? The unknown always is in whatever form it may take. Trust the timing of this. For some it’s easy to do, for others, not so much, but still…trust in the timing. The time is now. This virus is here to show you just what can happen when one’s world is ‘turned upside down,’ giving you opportunity not only to reflect on yourselves but also on your fellow beings and their welfare. Opportunity to embrace gratitude for the simple things and to bring back awareness of the fragility of life and what it has to offer. When this is all said and done you will have intertwined yourselves with all of mankind on a very deep, spiritual and energetic vibrational level. This “crisis” - allowing souls the opportunity to come together in unity and compassion, some will do better than others in this exercise.
There are those that will choose to use this challenge to exit and transition to the light. Do not worry, they are lovingly accepted and supported. What they ‘leave behind’ is a personal opportunity for those affected by their passing. Please be gentle on yourself, with others and with God. Take notice of the light workers and healers that are available for those in need during this difficult time. During your time of isolation take the time to reflect, appreciate time with your loved ones and take advantage of bonding on a deeper, more appreciative level.
Practice prayer. May we suggest a visualization?
Imagine if you will, a large green empty field and, in the middle, sits a very large black round pot. It has a lid, a lid that is open and hanging by its hinge. Allow yourself to now notice that this virus is flying in from all directions, representing the affected areas of the world, and soaring into this welcoming pot. The virus can’t help itself, it’s as if the pot has a magnetic pull. You’re relieved to see that the pot is large enough to contain it all. Once it has gathered inside, the lid comes down very easily and effortlessly sealing the pot securely. What next? Why angels of course! Flying down from the heavens on a mission to bring this pot to the proper heavenly place to be disposed of in a way that only we know how to do. :) You dust off your hands in satisfaction and feel the gratitude for the angelic help that has arrived. Wouldn’t hurt now to place a nice warm blanket of heavenly, divine healing light over your beloved planet.
Dear friends, IT will eventually die but YOU will live forever with the valuable lessons it provided even through the sorrow, frustration, and impatience. You will be rewarded with the opportunity of starting anew in your own unique personal way, not taking too much for granted, to appreciate the little things that seemed unimportant and had gone unnoticed.
To earnestly feel the warmth of a genuine handshake.
Be patient, practice good health habits, say a prayer for mankind, meditate and visualize during this time of UNcertainty. Rest IN the certainty of our continued love, guidance and support.
Stronger than you know."❤️
In Love and Spirit,
Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought & Affirmation:
“There lies clarity in the stillness of your mind.
May we suggest the following affirmation:
I take time to go within and visit with myself.
I have the best answers and trust my own personal inner guidance.”
-Tammy’s Guides
A Monday Message to help inspire you. Have a beautiful week!
“The abundant energy of LIFE embraces you at all times.
Bask in the healing light of the DIVINE, the positive vibes. You are in the company of GUIDES and ANGELS who love and support you on your beloved path.
YOUR life has no limitations, except in the way that YOU may choose to limit YOURSELF!
FREEDOM to choose,
to love,
to change,
to persevere,
…to live
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought & Affirmation
“The endings in your life bring the beginnings of new opportunities.
May we suggest the following affirmation:
I willingly let go of all that no longer serves me.
I am open to new opportunities that support my goals, dreams and desires.
I attract positive and rewarding experiences.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message to you! May you always find the balance in life :).
"Grounding brings balance to your life. It is an essential practice to help strengthen your connection to earth and to be present in all that you are participating in. When UNbalanced you may feel out of whack, off balance, not centered, not yourself, feel dizzy and/or nauseous.
There are many ways in which you can practice your grounding. May we suggest a trip outside. Breathe, touch and walk barefoot on the grass, hug and sit at the base of a tree (imagine their delight in that!), do some gardening. Of course there is always meditation. Visualize dropping a grounding cord from your root chakra to the core of the earth. A daily practice of this will do you a world of good.
Throw us a centering and grounding request! We will help you in any way we can. :)
Pay attention to the early signs of imbalance. Ground on a daily basis. Your efforts will be rewarded!"
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought & Affirmation
Be humble that you are made of the earth. Be noble that you are made of stars.
– Serbian proverb
May we suggest the following affirmation:
“I chose to participate in life. I am honored and grateful for all lessons that come my way knowing that, at all times, I am guided by a loving, powerful presence.”
– Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message to you! Patience, patience, patience..
“Patience...a very tall order for many. What does it mean to be patient? May we remind you that there is truly no time in the spirit realm, so guess what we have a lot of here? Yep, you guessed it…patience! You see, we are in the know and have no doubt that everything is moving along at just the right time. Now you say…but what about us here on the planet? We don’t always feel that we are ‘in the know’ so how can we be patient and expected to trust, wait and THEN receive!
Wait…did you just say trust, wait and receive? Ahhh, so you DO know! :)
Trusting in that the timing will be, oh so right for you.
Waiting with bated breath, although we prefer you wait patiently, knowing and TRUSTING that we sit beside you in support during the waiting period (our favorite part we might add).
Receive…well of course, it IS your divine birth right after all, isn’t it? Sure, we know that’s the best part, but may we also add that sometimes the patience brings forth more of the receiving part; pieces of the puzzle fitting nicely together. No worries, we don’t expect you to fully understand that part, just need to trust us on this one. Besides sometimes it’s just experiencing the patience itself that is the lesson.
Patience is like poetic justice, reaping the rewards for the waiting, and the trusting and ultimately the receiving.
Patience IS a virtue! Please be patient with your patience.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought & Affirmation
“You give, and when you give you receive. It is the ever continuous return of a love that was promised to you long ago and will remain so forever more.
May we suggest the following affirmation:
I receive with gratitude. I believe in love and the promise of all my tomorrows.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message! The time is now!
Today is the beginning of a new you! Why? Because right now your thoughts are creating your reality, giving you permission to restart your expectations, desires and dreams. Write down what it is you are connected with, what is it that brings you joy? Create a plan to bring more of that joy into your life. You can begin at any time you know. It doesn’t have to be for when you finish your work day, after helping kids with homework, when you’ve finished your chores….or when you retire! The time is now to proclaim just what it is you are excited about, what you can’t wait to have or do. Imagine the Universe is standing at attention, saluting you and your thoughts, dreams, goals and wishes. ‘Yes Sir, Yes Ma’am!’ is what we hear quite frequently in response. You might also hear, a not so subtle, ‘at your command!’
We can’t wait to help pave the way for you, bring you just the right timing and opportunities.
Get started in taking the steps. Write, dream, imagine and explore.
Ahhh, our absolute favorite part, can you hear it in the distance?
…’drum roll please!’
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought & Affirmation
"Recovering from abuse can lead one to new realizations not yet discovered. Go within and explore, get help when needed. Allow yourself the freedom to speak, confront and be heard. Ask yourself what it is you have learned from the experience. Let others know that you are a survivor. Sharing your story is not only courageous, there is also a potential opportunity to help another who may need your loving, empathetic support.
May we suggest the following affirmation:
I listen to and trust my intuition.
I am within my power and right to walk away from abuse of any kind.
I affirm that I am worthy of respect."
-Tammy’s Guides
“Let the world know of your value. Visit yourself often so that you may inquire as to what it is your value brings to yourself and others.
...and do not falter in your desire to be ALIVE.
ALIVE in the joy,
in contentment,
in the pain,
in the knowing,
in the hopelessness,
in the bravery,
in the anger and in the forgiveness.
You were born to persevere and to rise above all challenges, but do you also see how you are not meant to be perfect in all ways?
ALIVE, present, experiencing…that is all that is asked of you.
We help to breathe new life inside of you, all the while respecting your own personal choices.
Be ALIVE and participate in all that this wonderful life has to offer you.
Breathe, be still and embrace each day with profound gratitude.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought & Affirmation:✨
"Credit yourself every day. What did you do right? You deserve to give yourself an energetic hug.🥰
May we suggest the following affirmation:
I will be conscious of every good, happy and motivating thing I do today for myself and others.
I affirm that I bring value and purpose not only to my life, but also to the lives of others."
- Tammy's Guides
Monday Message. Live your life to the fullest!
"Our dearest friends, a loss to those of you on the earth plane, particularly with what you might consider a young age number appears ‘untimely,’ ‘before their time,’ ‘gone too soon’ and difficult for you to comprehend. Of course it is. And who of you can completely surrender to the idea that perhaps it was just the right time for that particular soul to transition? Not many, and may we add, understandably so. You see, you are not visiting the earth plane to ‘know’ everything or to ‘understand’ everything. You are here to be present on a daily basis, living your life, embracing your spiritual growth, exploring your dreams and goals, loving and supporting yourself and others. Gaining a further foundation toward your truth. Experiencing life and what it has to offer. Then might we ask, who is it for us to say that a soul has not contracted to be here for ‘just the right amount of time?’ Rest assured those who have transitioned, to what might appear to you as ‘too early’ are still very much full of life and continuing their journey in spirit until they feel the need to return to the earth plane once again.
Most of you have not incarnated with the knowledge of how long your journey is to be. There are reasons for that of course, reasons that require no explanation, other than what kind of life would you really have knowing in advance? One might say that if I knew I’d do more! But we would say if you knew, you might experience less. You might skip some very important lessons indeed, maybe ones that might seem mundane or useless but are ones that challenge you the most, advance you the most.
These souls that have transitioned ‘early’ have often agreed that it would not serve their higher purpose to be in a body for very long. That they will get, x,y&z from their experience on earth but can better further enhance their spiritual development goals without a body. They may sometimes need to be released from the physical for the lessons that lie ahead for them. Trust that timing is indeed everything and that every soul’s return to Home is orchestrated, with meaning and purpose. We know….a very challenging idea for you to accept but is truth nonetheless.
What are you to do with this justifiable sorrow of loss? Grieve. Get the support you need. Support others. Keep your faith in knowing that indeed, there is a reason, a higher purpose. Check in to see how the loss has affected you on a personal level. What has it stirred within you? What do you know for sure? Know that those who have transitioned, even in the most seemingly senseless, tragic of events are learning a great deal from the experience itself. All of these experiences help to lead us and guide us on our road toward ultimate compassion. Each experience we have brings us closer to enlightenment, to the realization of oneness.
Send love, prayer, healing. It DOES make a difference.
Your friends/loved ones in spirit are very much alive. They are guided in their transition and the reasons for their departure soon to be illuminated for them. Lots of ‘a-ha’ moments and clarity as their path is shown to them. How they affected others, how they were affected by others, all the while surrounded with ultimate love and compassion.
You that remain, you too will have your opportunity to thank them for what they have taught you, both in the time they were with you and even from their passing. They are not far, ever near.
Live your life loving life. Be present, be eager to learn and trust that when it is YOUR time to transition it will all be for a greater something, never for nothing.
You are embraced in your time of sorrow. Loved more than you know."
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought & Affirmation:
“You are priceless, please handle yourself with the utmost of care.
May we suggest the following affirmation:
I am worthy of self-respect.
Every day I choose to nourish my mind, body and soul in all positive ways.
I am a sacred temple. I take great pleasure in taking care of myself, first and foremost.” --Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message! Sending you healing, love and light!
“When you join hands in prayer or meditation for another you send a heavenly vibrational hum that flows through one another and to the intended recipient. Your energy brings forth healing, hope and ultimately change. It may not ‘fix’ everything, remembering that all are on their own personal journey, but we can assure you that this healing thought and vibration you send initiates hope. You are encouraging your friend, reminding them that they are not alone. This alone has helped many to heal, sometimes miraculously from whatever it is that ails them.
What happens to you, dear friends, in return? Most would agree that ‘what goes around comes around.’ In this case, and in the most positive ways of course, we would agree. We would also like to point out that you are now more connected than you know. Understanding on all levels the experience and challenges this friend is enduring. Building more heart-felt compassion as a result. And perhaps even feeling what it’s like to be them. We do not suggest ‘taking on’ their energy, but more, sending an intention of support, strength and encouragement.
One does not need to be ‘home’ to continue the growth and exercise the art of compassion, although there is certainly a great deal of opportunity to do so here. :)
Our hearts are full. We watch you, our beloved soul friends, in prayer and meditation, ever caring, loving, helping and healing. It brings us indescribable joy.
You too are the recipient. Worthy of receiving the love and compassion you give to others. Please accept our gratitude for the incredible GOOD you are doing for others, your planet and ultimately yourselves through your prayer and positive intention.
Take a moment to breathe now. Feel the warmth?....that was from us.” <3
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought & Affirmation
“What appears to be greener on the other side of the fence may be crabgrass.
Do not let yourself be disillusioned in thinking that others lead ‘perfect’ lives. While indeed, many have mastered a level of fulfillment, please also remember that all lifestyles have challenges based on what they felt they needed most to learn in any one particular lifetime. You are worthy of creating yourself. Please allow yourself the luxury of believing in the power of intention.
May we suggest the following affirmation:
I am worthy of creating the life of my dreams. I choose today to focus my thoughts and visualizations on the final outcome of my desired goals.
I am worthy of receiving abundance in all positive ways.
I trust in the timing, knowing opportunities will arrive at just the right time.
I choose to be happy for those who have appeared to have manifested their heart’s desires, knowing I too am worthy of such gifts.
‘Your’ grass looks beautiful to us. Each blade representing who you are and where you’ve come from. Love YOUR yard, tend to it with care, nurture it and allow it to flourish.”
-Tammy’s Guides
A beautiful Monday to you!
Brilliant colors surround you. Allow them to penetrate all your senses…your eyes, your ears, your nose, your mouth and your skin. Allow yourself to breathe in colors that appeal to you. Love the color of the sky, the grass, the trees, the mountains, rivers and streams. Notice how the brilliancy of the colors stand strong and confident in what they have to offer, knowing that they serve a purpose proudly displayed for all to see.
You have much in common with these colors you know; vibrant, iridescent, warm, harsh, cool, bold, fiery, flamboyant, harmonious.
No wonder crayons were such a hit! They reminded you of the joy, something you identified very easily with as a child. Maybe it’s time you paid them another visit. :)
May we suggest you walk your earth today with a conscious intent of taking in the view. Pay attention to all the colors you are experiencing, how they make you feel, what you are drawn to and simply to take in the splendor of it all.
You ARE color dear friends, and so therefore, born to BE beautiful.
-Tammy’s Guides
A beautiful Monday to you!
Brilliant colors surround you. Allow them to penetrate all your senses…your eyes, your ears, your nose, your mouth and your skin. Allow yourself to breathe in colors that appeal to you. Love the color of the sky, the grass, the trees, the mountains, rivers and streams. Notice how the brilliancy of the colors stand strong and confident in what they have to offer, knowing that they serve a purpose proudly displayed for all to see.
You have much in common with these colors you know; vibrant, iridescent, warm, harsh, cool, bold, fiery, flamboyant, harmonious.
No wonder crayons were such a hit! They reminded you of the joy, something you identified very easily with as a child. Maybe it’s time you paid them another visit. :)
May we suggest you walk your earth today with a conscious intent of taking in the view. Pay attention to all the colors you are experiencing, how they make you feel, what you are drawn to and simply to take in the splendor of it all.
You ARE color dear friends, and so therefore, born to BE beautiful.
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought & Affirmation✨
"First, learn communication with self...
May we suggest for you the following affirmation:
I surrender to my stillness.
I welcome communication with my higher self and the divine.
I trust my inner wisdom."
-Tammy's Guides
"First, learn communication with self...
May we suggest for you the following affirmation:
I surrender to my stillness.
I welcome communication with my higher self and the divine.
I trust my inner wisdom."
-Tammy's Guides
“Congratulations! You made it to 2020! You’ve landed yourself in a ‘new’ year, a ‘new’ decade. We are extremely proud of your accomplishments up to now. Big or small, they have purpose. They have meaning. They will benefit you in the future. New doors to open and opportunities lie ahead as a result.
What is it you need to know about in this current year? As a collective, this year will bring insights that you have yet to discover. Your own personal journeys into the seemingly unknown, all the while bringing about change, challenges and personal commitment to be the best you can be. We encourage you to laugh more, hug more, dance and sing more.
Buy yourself flowers!💐
Times are a’ changing…but aren't they always? Isn’t that what makes your beloved earth plane experience so exciting? Creating anew on a daily basis, choosing where to lie your thoughts and expectations? Exciting indeed. Allow yourself to go with the flow, give yourself time away and place your energies in the things that are important to you and the world. You DO matter. Your positive intentions initiate healing, whether to yourself, to another or to the planet. Those that receive your wonderful intentions cannot help but react likewise. Please know that you are doing ‘a world of good’ by placing your thoughts and loving vibration toward those in need.
Let this year be about bringing change within oneself. Are you in need of help? Allow yourself to receive. Please honor yourself by reaching out to others when needed. The intention was never to ‘suffer’ alone, but to challenge yourself to participate in life. Healers and helpers walk among you. Allow yourself to get the help you need. Do not give up! Your agreement was to participate, dear friends.
Every year has challenges, whether they be world-wide or on a personal level. Send love and healing requests to those in need, especially to those you are most challenged by. While there may always be battles amongst the people, we suggest you choose love to help make changes that are close to your heart, keeping in mind that not all may share your passion as they too are on their own personal journey. The energy of hate stagnates and in turn accumulates and suffocates. It often does not move forward. Let others be who they are. You can send divine healing without condition. Choose to be a better example so that others may see the good that comes from it! You create the best change in any situation by example and by respect and compassion for all thoughts and beliefs.
Your planet is carrying some heavy energy at present. The ‘natural disasters’ have been taking a toll, trying to find the balance. We suggest taking more time to send your loving thoughts, prayers and intentions to help heal. Visualize the balance, visualize the fires dampening, the waters calming, the sometimes fierce storms lessening. Your visualizations create change. Imagining help for those in need. Give where you can and when you are called to do so. You will know.
Remember…love over hate. For those that are in battle for a over hate. For those that will commit crimes, yes, we agree that justice needs to be served to protect others, and then may we still suggest…love and compassion over hate.❤️
Your world, and whether your experience is challenging or peaceful is up to you. Always check in as to where you lie your thoughts and intentions.
Ask for help when needed. Visualize love, peace and compassion for yourself and for others. Decide that this year, your 2020, will be one of positive intention and love for your own personal spiritual path.✨
We, of course, will be cheering you on, supporting you and, as always, loving you.🥰
May we wish you a very Happy New Year.” – Tammy’s Guides
“Congratulations! You made it to 2020! You’ve landed yourself in a ‘new’ year, a ‘new’ decade. We are extremely proud of your accomplishments up to now. Big or small, they have purpose. They have meaning. They will benefit you in the future. New doors to open and opportunities lie ahead as a result.
What is it you need to know about in this current year? As a collective, this year will bring insights that you have yet to discover. Your own personal journeys into the seemingly unknown, all the while bringing about change, challenges and personal commitment to be the best you can be. We encourage you to laugh more, hug more, dance and sing more.
Buy yourself flowers!💐
Times are a’ changing…but aren't they always? Isn’t that what makes your beloved earth plane experience so exciting? Creating anew on a daily basis, choosing where to lie your thoughts and expectations? Exciting indeed. Allow yourself to go with the flow, give yourself time away and place your energies in the things that are important to you and the world. You DO matter. Your positive intentions initiate healing, whether to yourself, to another or to the planet. Those that receive your wonderful intentions cannot help but react likewise. Please know that you are doing ‘a world of good’ by placing your thoughts and loving vibration toward those in need.
Let this year be about bringing change within oneself. Are you in need of help? Allow yourself to receive. Please honor yourself by reaching out to others when needed. The intention was never to ‘suffer’ alone, but to challenge yourself to participate in life. Healers and helpers walk among you. Allow yourself to get the help you need. Do not give up! Your agreement was to participate, dear friends.
Every year has challenges, whether they be world-wide or on a personal level. Send love and healing requests to those in need, especially to those you are most challenged by. While there may always be battles amongst the people, we suggest you choose love to help make changes that are close to your heart, keeping in mind that not all may share your passion as they too are on their own personal journey. The energy of hate stagnates and in turn accumulates and suffocates. It often does not move forward. Let others be who they are. You can send divine healing without condition. Choose to be a better example so that others may see the good that comes from it! You create the best change in any situation by example and by respect and compassion for all thoughts and beliefs.
Your planet is carrying some heavy energy at present. The ‘natural disasters’ have been taking a toll, trying to find the balance. We suggest taking more time to send your loving thoughts, prayers and intentions to help heal. Visualize the balance, visualize the fires dampening, the waters calming, the sometimes fierce storms lessening. Your visualizations create change. Imagining help for those in need. Give where you can and when you are called to do so. You will know.
Remember…love over hate. For those that are in battle for a over hate. For those that will commit crimes, yes, we agree that justice needs to be served to protect others, and then may we still suggest…love and compassion over hate.❤️
Your world, and whether your experience is challenging or peaceful is up to you. Always check in as to where you lie your thoughts and intentions.
Ask for help when needed. Visualize love, peace and compassion for yourself and for others. Decide that this year, your 2020, will be one of positive intention and love for your own personal spiritual path.✨
We, of course, will be cheering you on, supporting you and, as always, loving you.🥰
May we wish you a very Happy New Year.” – Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message to you!
“Place your awareness on the BIG things.
The ‘BIG’ things you ask us?
Yes, the BIG things. You can certainly choose to place your thoughts on the so-called ‘small’ things. It IS your life after all. But…whoever told you that you must limit yourself to only the ‘small’ things? You certainly knew entering this wonderful journey that you were limitless in your abilities to manifest. This limitless ability is not ‘limited’ to the small things only, dear friends.
Release the confining conditioning that told you BIG dreams are for others.
They are for YOU, no matter your circumstances or ‘status’ in life.
Every moment…of every hour…of every second…of every day.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message to you!
“Place your awareness on the BIG things.
The ‘BIG’ things you ask us?
Yes, the BIG things. You can certainly choose to place your thoughts on the so-called ‘small’ things. It IS your life after all. But…whoever told you that you must limit yourself to only the ‘small’ things? You certainly knew entering this wonderful journey that you were limitless in your abilities to manifest. This limitless ability is not ‘limited’ to the small things only, dear friends.
Release the confining conditioning that told you BIG dreams are for others.
They are for YOU, no matter your circumstances or ‘status’ in life.
Every moment…of every hour…of every second…of every day.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought and Affirmation✨
"First, believe in YOURSELF more than anyone else possibly can.
May we suggest the following affirmation:
I am capable,
I am loved,
I am able to move through life's challenges with ease and grace.
I believe in, and honor myself."
- Tammy's Guides😇
Happy Monday! Have yourself a very merry week!
“Be proactive friends. State your positive intentions clearly to the Universe. Each day offers new choices, insights and potential growth.
Forgive yourself. Make amends with yourself. Write yourself a love letter. You were so very love-struck and poetic when you were resting here in spirit you know. Gifting to yourself often, loving yourself without question or hesitation. Patting yourself on the back for how far you’ve come…all the challenges you’ve endured, conquered and survived. How much more enlightened you are as a result. Preparing for your next opportunity to incarnate again. Excited about all that your planet has to offer. Believing that life brings hope, and with that hope, a continuance of faith.
Bring that love to the forefront once again. Embrace yourself and surrender.
LOVE. It’s what you’re made of.
Forever resilient, steadfast, loyal and true."
-Tammy’s Guides
“Be proactive friends. State your positive intentions clearly to the Universe. Each day offers new choices, insights and potential growth.
Forgive yourself. Make amends with yourself. Write yourself a love letter. You were so very love-struck and poetic when you were resting here in spirit you know. Gifting to yourself often, loving yourself without question or hesitation. Patting yourself on the back for how far you’ve come…all the challenges you’ve endured, conquered and survived. How much more enlightened you are as a result. Preparing for your next opportunity to incarnate again. Excited about all that your planet has to offer. Believing that life brings hope, and with that hope, a continuance of faith.
Bring that love to the forefront once again. Embrace yourself and surrender.
LOVE. It’s what you’re made of.
Forever resilient, steadfast, loyal and true."
-Tammy’s Guides
Thursday Thought and Affirmation:
"Tomorrow can only be encouraged by your thoughts.
May we suggest the following affirmation:
Tomorrow is my choice to do with it what I will. I choose to view my tomorrow as an opportunity to help heal and empower not only myself, but all those that I may encounter along my path." - Tammy's Guides
"Tomorrow can only be encouraged by your thoughts.
May we suggest the following affirmation:
Tomorrow is my choice to do with it what I will. I choose to view my tomorrow as an opportunity to help heal and empower not only myself, but all those that I may encounter along my path." - Tammy's Guides
“Gifts from the heart, truly from the heart offer healing in many ways. When one gives from that space, that intention of love, respect, gratitude and honor for the recipient, then the healing vibration ignites within (for both the giver AND receiver we might add).
Yes, the certainty of knowing that one is truly loved, appreciated, not to mention valued. What we get to feel ‘here’ every ‘day’! :)
Give from the heart. Receive from the heart. You are just as worthy of receiving as you are in the sacred act of giving. Both of equal importance. Please remember, what goes around does indeed come around our dear friends.
You have great potential to spread some cheer, new hope, and to brighten one’s day simply by sharing the joy of giving.
And…it’s sure to bring a smile to someone’s face.
Warms our hearts just thinking about it.
We are so, so very proud of you.
Watching you grow, witnessing the love you bring to others ….
THE best gift ever.”
-Tammy's Guides
“Gifts from the heart, truly from the heart offer healing in many ways. When one gives from that space, that intention of love, respect, gratitude and honor for the recipient, then the healing vibration ignites within (for both the giver AND receiver we might add).
Yes, the certainty of knowing that one is truly loved, appreciated, not to mention valued. What we get to feel ‘here’ every ‘day’! :)
Give from the heart. Receive from the heart. You are just as worthy of receiving as you are in the sacred act of giving. Both of equal importance. Please remember, what goes around does indeed come around our dear friends.
You have great potential to spread some cheer, new hope, and to brighten one’s day simply by sharing the joy of giving.
And…it’s sure to bring a smile to someone’s face.
Warms our hearts just thinking about it.
We are so, so very proud of you.
Watching you grow, witnessing the love you bring to others ….
THE best gift ever.”
-Tammy's Guides
Happy Monday! May you have a relaxing week :)
“Down time, extracurricular activities, creative endeavors. All things that are important in balancing out one’s life. May we suggest you enjoy a daily meditation, read a beloved book, engage in activities that enhance your innate gifts.
Oh and not to worry dear friends, we are already impressed with your hard work. Just make sure the play is present as well.
Keep it simple, keep it healthy and above all allow yourself to breathe and further define what makes you feel alive.
Loving EVERY moment….”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday! May you have a relaxing week :)
“Down time, extracurricular activities, creative endeavors. All things that are important in balancing out one’s life. May we suggest you enjoy a daily meditation, read a beloved book, engage in activities that enhance your innate gifts.
Oh and not to worry dear friends, we are already impressed with your hard work. Just make sure the play is present as well.
Keep it simple, keep it healthy and above all allow yourself to breathe and further define what makes you feel alive.
Loving EVERY moment….”
-Tammy’s Guides
“Friends may come, friends may go.
The friends that ‘go’ leave you with valuable insights. Ask yourself what did they teach me? What did they validate for me?
Remember, all for something, never for nothing.”❤️
-Tammy’s Guides😇
“Friends may come, friends may go.
The friends that ‘go’ leave you with valuable insights. Ask yourself what did they teach me? What did they validate for me?
Remember, all for something, never for nothing.”❤️
-Tammy’s Guides😇
Happy Monday Message! Hope you have an easy, breezy week :).
“Notice how the wind flows, so freely and effortlessly, through all cracks and crevices, never faltering in its desire to be just the wind?
Not necessarily having a destination but just trusting it will rest when the time is right, all the while enjoying the present journey?
You are the wind, our dear friends. Allow yourself to journey, trusting that no matter what obstacles you may encounter you will easily and effortlessly find your way through and around them. Like the wind, you know intuitively when to strengthen your efforts and when to let go and sail.
You are just SO refreshing.
Truly, a breath of fresh air.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message! Hope you have an easy, breezy week :).
“Notice how the wind flows, so freely and effortlessly, through all cracks and crevices, never faltering in its desire to be just the wind?
Not necessarily having a destination but just trusting it will rest when the time is right, all the while enjoying the present journey?
You are the wind, our dear friends. Allow yourself to journey, trusting that no matter what obstacles you may encounter you will easily and effortlessly find your way through and around them. Like the wind, you know intuitively when to strengthen your efforts and when to let go and sail.
You are just SO refreshing.
Truly, a breath of fresh air.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Have a wonderful week! Happy Thanksgiving!
“This is a time of need. You all need and deserve to be loved, validated and appreciated.
When you gather with your family and friends during this holiday, perhaps you may take time to acknowledge their strengths, whether verbally or inwardly. Be present and open to the opportunities they may bring to your own self-awareness. Let yourself be amused, if nothing else, in the knowing that you are all gathered together for a reason, a purpose, a potential lesson. Perhaps it’s to listen, perhaps it’s to be heard, perhaps it’s to teach.
Perhaps it’s to further practice the art of protecting one’s own energy!
But always and foremost…it is an opportunity to LOVE.
Blessings to you and yours” – Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message!
“Release yesterday’s pain and rejoice in tomorrow’s beginnings.
May we suggest the following affirmation:
I release with love all that I have suffered for with gratitude for the lesson it provided. I am worthy of new opportunities that support good health, positive abundance and self love. I accept this day to begin anew.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message!
“Release yesterday’s pain and rejoice in tomorrow’s beginnings.
May we suggest the following affirmation:
I release with love all that I have suffered for with gratitude for the lesson it provided. I am worthy of new opportunities that support good health, positive abundance and self love. I accept this day to begin anew.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Have a beautiful week!
“Be light, be free, be alive. No time like the present, the here and now, this moment, to decide what your day or week will bring. May we suggest the following affirmation:
I am open to new experiences that will bring me valuable lessons in a joyful and positive way. I trust I will be led to opportunities that will support my higher good. I am worthy. I am loved and supported along my path.”
-Tammy’s Guides :)
Have a beautiful week!
“Be light, be free, be alive. No time like the present, the here and now, this moment, to decide what your day or week will bring. May we suggest the following affirmation:
I am open to new experiences that will bring me valuable lessons in a joyful and positive way. I trust I will be led to opportunities that will support my higher good. I am worthy. I am loved and supported along my path.”
-Tammy’s Guides :)
Happy Monday Message. May you have a joyous week!
“Let the elders in your life know how much you appreciate them. Allow them to talk and share the stories of their lives. They were once your age, young whippersnappers still on their journey of discovery and adventure and perhaps having little patience with the seniors surrounding them!
It’s just that when one is considered ‘old’ they may have more of a compilation of experiences and adventures then actually still creating new ones. Yes, there are those who will create new till the end but it doesn’t make them ‘better’ then the ones who have chosen to sit still, rest and wait it out. It all goes back to choice, doesn’t it? It is a personal decision as to how one will go through the aging (or growing wiser) process.
Let’s not forget all the wisdom they have accumulated. A great wealth of information lies within each elderly person. When you lend an ear, you are in a sense helping to revitalize their youth. You remember how it feels to hear a beloved song of the past? Brings you back to a special place, doesn’t it? Yes, that’s how it feels for them as well. A good story never gets old (we bet you like to re-tell great stories too!).
Please listen. Repeat back to them what you heard, and ask questions! We think it’s possible you may just hear a valuable lesson, something that may be pertinent for you in the here and now.
Be patient, hear and be open to the teachings.
They are a blessing, the elderly. They remind us to slow down, not to take life too seriously and be grateful for every day.”
-Tammy's Guides :)
Happy Monday Message. May you have a joyous week!
“Let the elders in your life know how much you appreciate them. Allow them to talk and share the stories of their lives. They were once your age, young whippersnappers still on their journey of discovery and adventure and perhaps having little patience with the seniors surrounding them!
It’s just that when one is considered ‘old’ they may have more of a compilation of experiences and adventures then actually still creating new ones. Yes, there are those who will create new till the end but it doesn’t make them ‘better’ then the ones who have chosen to sit still, rest and wait it out. It all goes back to choice, doesn’t it? It is a personal decision as to how one will go through the aging (or growing wiser) process.
Let’s not forget all the wisdom they have accumulated. A great wealth of information lies within each elderly person. When you lend an ear, you are in a sense helping to revitalize their youth. You remember how it feels to hear a beloved song of the past? Brings you back to a special place, doesn’t it? Yes, that’s how it feels for them as well. A good story never gets old (we bet you like to re-tell great stories too!).
Please listen. Repeat back to them what you heard, and ask questions! We think it’s possible you may just hear a valuable lesson, something that may be pertinent for you in the here and now.
Be patient, hear and be open to the teachings.
They are a blessing, the elderly. They remind us to slow down, not to take life too seriously and be grateful for every day.”
-Tammy's Guides :)
Happy Monday Message to you! Have a wonderful day!☺️
“It is our intent to bring you a joyful, loving, supportive vibration. We help to lift you in times of despair knowing it is ultimately your journey and your free will that will bring you to where you need to be.
Free yourself from restraints of the past, reconcile and understand the challenging lessons you have endured. All is not lost, but much can be forgiven and appreciated for the valuable lesson it gave.
You are not a lost soul on a lonely planet dear friends. You are a being of the Light. A being who loved yourself and valued yourself enough to see what offerings you may bring to a planet that is in need and very accepting of one’s healings gifts.
You are always in a position to be a source of inspiration to yourself and others. Instead of waiting to be rescued may we suggest you bring your warmth to a conversation and your earnest desire to be present for another….
And now, not so lost anymore and not so lonely anymore.
We see the Light within you, the healer, the friend. And of course, we see your potential.
You are amazing, just amazing.
Take time to visit yourself so that you may be just as impressed as we are!”🥰
-Tammy's Guides :)
Happy Monday Message to you! Have a wonderful day!☺️
“It is our intent to bring you a joyful, loving, supportive vibration. We help to lift you in times of despair knowing it is ultimately your journey and your free will that will bring you to where you need to be.
Free yourself from restraints of the past, reconcile and understand the challenging lessons you have endured. All is not lost, but much can be forgiven and appreciated for the valuable lesson it gave.
You are not a lost soul on a lonely planet dear friends. You are a being of the Light. A being who loved yourself and valued yourself enough to see what offerings you may bring to a planet that is in need and very accepting of one’s healings gifts.
You are always in a position to be a source of inspiration to yourself and others. Instead of waiting to be rescued may we suggest you bring your warmth to a conversation and your earnest desire to be present for another….
And now, not so lost anymore and not so lonely anymore.
We see the Light within you, the healer, the friend. And of course, we see your potential.
You are amazing, just amazing.
Take time to visit yourself so that you may be just as impressed as we are!”🥰
-Tammy's Guides :)
Have a wonderful week!
“When you were a child...
You went with the flow,
Listened to your intuition,
Laughed at the silly things,
Explored and discovered
Pretended and imagined,
Were present in the moment,
Played with and conversed with your guides and angels (feeling and sensing our love and guidance was easy for LOVED the angels’ wings!)
Allow yourself now to rediscover and reconnect with your inner child.
Growing up was never meant to be about abandoning your sense of wonder and connection to Source.
Play, laugh, explore and
The magic has never, ever left you.”❤️✨
-Tammy’s Guides
Have a wonderful week!
“When you were a child...
You went with the flow,
Listened to your intuition,
Laughed at the silly things,
Explored and discovered
Pretended and imagined,
Were present in the moment,
Played with and conversed with your guides and angels (feeling and sensing our love and guidance was easy for LOVED the angels’ wings!)
Allow yourself now to rediscover and reconnect with your inner child.
Growing up was never meant to be about abandoning your sense of wonder and connection to Source.
Play, laugh, explore and
The magic has never, ever left you.”❤️✨
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message! No time like the present :).
“What if you entered into your bodies accepting that each new day would bring change, and that experiences would not duplicate themselves, well at least not in their entirety? That each day would bring you new adventures and that you found acceptance with that. That yesterday’s troubles, joys, milestones, drama, celebrations were to be enjoyed only for the moment but knowing you will have created lasting memories? Experiences that will help you learn and grow. Knowing that you will continue to create on a daily basis based on your desires, fears, dreams and expectations?
This brings us to the present. You have entered your bodies. We celebrate your decision to participate! You have accepted (or are working on accepting) that the ‘only thing constant is change’ and that indeed no one day is exactly like the other. You are challenged with, or look forward to, new adventures. You cherish your fond memories and have learned (or are learning) how your past challenges offered valuable insight.
Accepting that each new day is genuinely a gift. An opportunity to do with it what you will, getting closer to that realization that your thinking, daydreaming and visualizing has an effect on what your new day will bring to you.
How wonderful, this new day that brings change. When one realizes the power of intention then one can warmly embrace this change.
Change…your friend, not your foe.
What’s around the corner? Can’t wait to see what this new day brings!” - Tammy's Guides
Happy Monday Message! No time like the present :).
“What if you entered into your bodies accepting that each new day would bring change, and that experiences would not duplicate themselves, well at least not in their entirety? That each day would bring you new adventures and that you found acceptance with that. That yesterday’s troubles, joys, milestones, drama, celebrations were to be enjoyed only for the moment but knowing you will have created lasting memories? Experiences that will help you learn and grow. Knowing that you will continue to create on a daily basis based on your desires, fears, dreams and expectations?
This brings us to the present. You have entered your bodies. We celebrate your decision to participate! You have accepted (or are working on accepting) that the ‘only thing constant is change’ and that indeed no one day is exactly like the other. You are challenged with, or look forward to, new adventures. You cherish your fond memories and have learned (or are learning) how your past challenges offered valuable insight.
Accepting that each new day is genuinely a gift. An opportunity to do with it what you will, getting closer to that realization that your thinking, daydreaming and visualizing has an effect on what your new day will bring to you.
How wonderful, this new day that brings change. When one realizes the power of intention then one can warmly embrace this change.
Change…your friend, not your foe.
What’s around the corner? Can’t wait to see what this new day brings!” - Tammy's Guides
Happy Monday!
“What is it we are doing for you, we as your Spirit Guides, your Companions in Spirit? We are certainly giving you advice, sneaking in support, whispering in your ear, but also letting you feel and experience the challenging times without interference. While we are still here supporting you, we know at these times you are receiving your most valuable lessons. Ones that will carry you forward and upward as you feel, experience and grow.
We help bring other light workers to you. Souls on your earth plane who help to bring more clarity, support and validation of your own unique essence. These light workers may use their intuitive abilities to convey our messages to you, validate what you may already know on a deeper level and share their healing vibration so that you may feel more relaxed and balanced.
The occasional “stranger” may come your way, often nudged from us. You might even notice that they have arrived at ‘just the right time’ with just the right information or solution.
Pay attention to the symbols we often bring: numbers, feathers, pennies, animals, flowers, just to name a few. Helps to make our job a little easier J.
We are very resourceful you know….don’t be afraid to ask us some questions now and then. We will try our very best to bring forth the information you desire.
We suggest new ideas, new ways. When you are feeling ‘dim’ we try our very best to bring you light.
And please always remember… are never alone, always loved, always supported.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday!
“What is it we are doing for you, we as your Spirit Guides, your Companions in Spirit? We are certainly giving you advice, sneaking in support, whispering in your ear, but also letting you feel and experience the challenging times without interference. While we are still here supporting you, we know at these times you are receiving your most valuable lessons. Ones that will carry you forward and upward as you feel, experience and grow.
We help bring other light workers to you. Souls on your earth plane who help to bring more clarity, support and validation of your own unique essence. These light workers may use their intuitive abilities to convey our messages to you, validate what you may already know on a deeper level and share their healing vibration so that you may feel more relaxed and balanced.
The occasional “stranger” may come your way, often nudged from us. You might even notice that they have arrived at ‘just the right time’ with just the right information or solution.
Pay attention to the symbols we often bring: numbers, feathers, pennies, animals, flowers, just to name a few. Helps to make our job a little easier J.
We are very resourceful you know….don’t be afraid to ask us some questions now and then. We will try our very best to bring forth the information you desire.
We suggest new ideas, new ways. When you are feeling ‘dim’ we try our very best to bring you light.
And please always remember… are never alone, always loved, always supported.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message! A new day, a new week!
"There is nothing like a new day to right the wrongs, create the new, and believe in the magic that is always surrounding you.
Allow yourself to push the re-set button if necessary, erase the board, re-shuffle the deck and get busy with your impressive powers of creating anew. You were once here at home awaiting with anticipation all that life could offer you upon incarnation. With the bumps, and sometimes bruises comes necessary growth opportunities. YOU get to decide how to navigate them and how to perceive them.
Keep the love flowing, no matter what the circumstances. May we remind you it is all for something, never for nothing.
A new day it is then….let the new journey begin!" :)
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message! A new day, a new week!
"There is nothing like a new day to right the wrongs, create the new, and believe in the magic that is always surrounding you.
Allow yourself to push the re-set button if necessary, erase the board, re-shuffle the deck and get busy with your impressive powers of creating anew. You were once here at home awaiting with anticipation all that life could offer you upon incarnation. With the bumps, and sometimes bruises comes necessary growth opportunities. YOU get to decide how to navigate them and how to perceive them.
Keep the love flowing, no matter what the circumstances. May we remind you it is all for something, never for nothing.
A new day it is then….let the new journey begin!" :)
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message! Happy Autumn!
“May the colors of this rich, vibrant season bring you close to your soul’s yearning and desire for beauty, warmth and comfort.
Relish all that this beautiful planet is offering you at this time. Let all your senses come alive!
That pile of autumn leaves? Allow yourself time to remember the joy of jumping in. I never did this you might say, and we would say your imagination makes up for moments where you did not actively partake in.
May we suggest you sit quietly. Focus on your breath. Allow yourself to see that warm, rich, tall pile of leaves. It’s so very inviting. You can see it, yes?
Now, allow yourself to feel the joy building up inside of you, that’s right, the anticipation of what lies ahead. Get a running start now…
Imagine now you are lying on your back, having landed safely. You are feasting your eyes upon the heavens. You are surrounded by beauty. Let your senses take over. See the incredible rich colors surrounding you. Smell the leaves, hear the leaves, feel the softness of some, while the crunch of others. Taste the autumn air. Feel the gratitude.
Wow, what a picture you just shared! Can’t wait to see more!
Have a blessed Autumn season.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message! Happy Autumn!
“May the colors of this rich, vibrant season bring you close to your soul’s yearning and desire for beauty, warmth and comfort.
Relish all that this beautiful planet is offering you at this time. Let all your senses come alive!
That pile of autumn leaves? Allow yourself time to remember the joy of jumping in. I never did this you might say, and we would say your imagination makes up for moments where you did not actively partake in.
May we suggest you sit quietly. Focus on your breath. Allow yourself to see that warm, rich, tall pile of leaves. It’s so very inviting. You can see it, yes?
Now, allow yourself to feel the joy building up inside of you, that’s right, the anticipation of what lies ahead. Get a running start now…
Imagine now you are lying on your back, having landed safely. You are feasting your eyes upon the heavens. You are surrounded by beauty. Let your senses take over. See the incredible rich colors surrounding you. Smell the leaves, hear the leaves, feel the softness of some, while the crunch of others. Taste the autumn air. Feel the gratitude.
Wow, what a picture you just shared! Can’t wait to see more!
Have a blessed Autumn season.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message! Feeling great!☺️
“When you choose to feel, whether it be your emotions, words or circumstances, you are giving yourself permission to grow.
Your choosing to be on the earth plane was a conscious choice to allow these emotions to stir within you, awaken you and challenge you. Do not stifle them. Pay attention to them. Feel them on all levels so that you may continue on your path to your own valuable and sacred enlightenment.
Feeling and acknowledging supports your self-realization.
We are feeling the love and are supporting you through every smile, frown and upside down.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message! Feeling great!☺️
“When you choose to feel, whether it be your emotions, words or circumstances, you are giving yourself permission to grow.
Your choosing to be on the earth plane was a conscious choice to allow these emotions to stir within you, awaken you and challenge you. Do not stifle them. Pay attention to them. Feel them on all levels so that you may continue on your path to your own valuable and sacred enlightenment.
Feeling and acknowledging supports your self-realization.
We are feeling the love and are supporting you through every smile, frown and upside down.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Have a beautiful week!
"There is nothing more sacred than your world, your life, your dreams, your ambitions.
Release the negative thought patterns holding you back from true self-realization. This self-realization being that good things, good people, good circumstances, good opportunities are waiting for you (they are!).
You create on a daily basis with your thoughts and expectations. Please treat these said thoughts and expectations with kindness and care.
Practice stillness. Affirm that you are worthy of attracting positive, loving vibrations. Allow yourself to open and receive this beautiful, ever worthy gift."
-Tammy's Guides :)
Have a beautiful week!
"There is nothing more sacred than your world, your life, your dreams, your ambitions.
Release the negative thought patterns holding you back from true self-realization. This self-realization being that good things, good people, good circumstances, good opportunities are waiting for you (they are!).
You create on a daily basis with your thoughts and expectations. Please treat these said thoughts and expectations with kindness and care.
Practice stillness. Affirm that you are worthy of attracting positive, loving vibrations. Allow yourself to open and receive this beautiful, ever worthy gift."
-Tammy's Guides :)
Happy Monday Labor Day Message to you! 😊
“Let this day be a reminder that you are allowed to rest dear friends.
Please know that your daily jobs reflect where you are on your path. Either acknowledging how far you’ve come in knowing what makes you happy or... challenges you to seek and grow. Perhaps your current job is assisting in your efforts to view things more clearly, illuminating your individual needs and desires.
Your job/work is indeed important on the planet, but may we remind you again, it is most important for you as individual souls to reflect upon how your job/work makes you feel. It is true that all jobs are important and have purpose and meaning.
Love your job so that you may then love what you do. Challenge yourself and transition to another position if necessary. Continue learning and educating yourself. You are worth the effort!
And please also allow yourself your vacations to rest and rejuvenate. Balance of work and very important on the planet earth. You are ever so deserving of this respite.
Do you hear the bell? Recess!! Ahh, remember the joy?!
May you have a restful, blessed day.”❤️
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Labor Day Message to you! 😊
“Let this day be a reminder that you are allowed to rest dear friends.
Please know that your daily jobs reflect where you are on your path. Either acknowledging how far you’ve come in knowing what makes you happy or... challenges you to seek and grow. Perhaps your current job is assisting in your efforts to view things more clearly, illuminating your individual needs and desires.
Your job/work is indeed important on the planet, but may we remind you again, it is most important for you as individual souls to reflect upon how your job/work makes you feel. It is true that all jobs are important and have purpose and meaning.
Love your job so that you may then love what you do. Challenge yourself and transition to another position if necessary. Continue learning and educating yourself. You are worth the effort!
And please also allow yourself your vacations to rest and rejuvenate. Balance of work and very important on the planet earth. You are ever so deserving of this respite.
Do you hear the bell? Recess!! Ahh, remember the joy?!
May you have a restful, blessed day.”❤️
-Tammy’s Guides
Monday message for you!
“When you are centered and grounded there is an aliveness within. A deep desire to participate in the now. Logic dissipates and true inner knowing responds. You are then led to the place or situation to where you are most needed. The place that will most benefit you and others you surround yourself with.
Center, ground and respond to the knowing. It is never far, always there, patiently awaiting your return.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Monday message for you!
“When you are centered and grounded there is an aliveness within. A deep desire to participate in the now. Logic dissipates and true inner knowing responds. You are then led to the place or situation to where you are most needed. The place that will most benefit you and others you surround yourself with.
Center, ground and respond to the knowing. It is never far, always there, patiently awaiting your return.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Have a beautiful week! :)
“We are captivated by your amazing beauty.
Your individual essence that illuminates your ever sacred soul.
Your potential to love and to be loved is limitless.
May we suggest the following affirmation for today…
I am beautiful.
I am accepted.
I am worthy of being seen and heard.
Loving people and experiences come to me easily.
I am love.
Needing to catch a breath now…
yes, you are THAT beautiful to us.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Have a beautiful week! :)
“We are captivated by your amazing beauty.
Your individual essence that illuminates your ever sacred soul.
Your potential to love and to be loved is limitless.
May we suggest the following affirmation for today…
I am beautiful.
I am accepted.
I am worthy of being seen and heard.
Loving people and experiences come to me easily.
I am love.
Needing to catch a breath now…
yes, you are THAT beautiful to us.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Have a wonderful week!
"Born to live
Born to love
Born to explore
Born to become
Born to teach
Born to learn
Born to do…and born to play
Born to persevere
Born to make a difference
Born to be unique
Born worthy, always worthy
Born OF divine love and acceptance, where all things are possible.
Just a little reminder…"
-Tammy's Guides
Have a wonderful week!
"Born to live
Born to love
Born to explore
Born to become
Born to teach
Born to learn
Born to do…and born to play
Born to persevere
Born to make a difference
Born to be unique
Born worthy, always worthy
Born OF divine love and acceptance, where all things are possible.
Just a little reminder…"
-Tammy's Guides
Happy Monday! May your week be filled with lots of beautiful imperfections.💕
“No one is perfect on the planet Earth. While there are those souls that have reached a higher vibration in regards to this perfection, these beautiful souls are most certainly not perfect in every way. They too have challenges remembering things, jumping to conclusions, eating too much, doubting themselves and all things that make one so completely adorable and loved.
Yes, so very adorable and loved. 🥰
Think you’re a perfectionist? Relax a little more. We are not in a position of judgement. We actually applaud your imperfections. Lets us know you’re exactly where you need to be on your spiritual path.
The only one concerned about being perfect dear friend, is you.
It’s your imperfections that makes you perfect to us.”❤️
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday! May your week be filled with lots of beautiful imperfections.💕
“No one is perfect on the planet Earth. While there are those souls that have reached a higher vibration in regards to this perfection, these beautiful souls are most certainly not perfect in every way. They too have challenges remembering things, jumping to conclusions, eating too much, doubting themselves and all things that make one so completely adorable and loved.
Yes, so very adorable and loved. 🥰
Think you’re a perfectionist? Relax a little more. We are not in a position of judgement. We actually applaud your imperfections. Lets us know you’re exactly where you need to be on your spiritual path.
The only one concerned about being perfect dear friend, is you.
It’s your imperfections that makes you perfect to us.”❤️
-Tammy’s Guides
Taking time to wish you a happy Monday and a wonderful week!☺️
“Time is precious indeed. Your time is valuable.
When you are involved in something that you’d rather not take time to do, decide right then and there that you are exactly where you need to be with the task at hand. That way your time, no matter how you may be spending it, becomes worthwhile.
If you feel you’re needing more time in general, scale back on the activities that don’t bring value to your emotional and physical being.
Too much time on your hands? Ahhh, also just where you need to be. You are being given the opportunity to silence yourself and engage with yourself. Rest, meditate, sing, dance, converse with others.
Decide that time is on your side.
How do we like to spend our time? Well with you of course… right by your side, whiling away the hours.”💕
-Tammy’s Guides
Taking time to wish you a happy Monday and a wonderful week!☺️
“Time is precious indeed. Your time is valuable.
When you are involved in something that you’d rather not take time to do, decide right then and there that you are exactly where you need to be with the task at hand. That way your time, no matter how you may be spending it, becomes worthwhile.
If you feel you’re needing more time in general, scale back on the activities that don’t bring value to your emotional and physical being.
Too much time on your hands? Ahhh, also just where you need to be. You are being given the opportunity to silence yourself and engage with yourself. Rest, meditate, sing, dance, converse with others.
Decide that time is on your side.
How do we like to spend our time? Well with you of course… right by your side, whiling away the hours.”💕
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message. Have a wonderful week!☺️
"Be still,
be calm,
Be patient.
let go.
You are an inspiration."💕
-Tammy's Guides
Happy Monday Message. Have a wonderful week!☺️
"Be still,
be calm,
Be patient.
let go.
You are an inspiration."💕
-Tammy's Guides
Happy Monday Message. Hope your day is positively beautiful in all ways.🌻
“Boy oh boy oh boy….well aren’t you lucky?! We certainly think so!
Look at you, how much you’ve grown and continue to grow day by day allowing opportunities to appear right before your eyes AND you get to decide what to do with them. Just amazing!
Waking up to a brand new day with so many choices…how to feel, how to react, how to visualize and how to see your fabulous new day unfold. Yes, choosing as to how your new day will unfold. But, you say, this day is SOOOO difficult and I certainly don’t feel like I’m in control! Such a wonderful opportunity in itself, isn’t it? Maybe if your choice is to breeze through any challenge with a positive attitude then you just might also see what we already know about you…that you are a powerful creator capable of changing bad to good, difficult to easy just by deciding where to place your thoughts. Freedom to choose your thoughts. So, so lucky.
What better way than to start your day with a reminder of just how lucky you are to be here on the earth plane, choosing to be a game player, showing up and showing us what you got.
Lucky indeed. And as luck would have it we get to be your closest confidant, encouraging you, supporting you, loving you along the way. 💟
Lucky to choose, lucky to create, lucky to be alive.
Lucky, lucky you!” 🍀
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message. Hope your day is positively beautiful in all ways.🌻
“Boy oh boy oh boy….well aren’t you lucky?! We certainly think so!
Look at you, how much you’ve grown and continue to grow day by day allowing opportunities to appear right before your eyes AND you get to decide what to do with them. Just amazing!
Waking up to a brand new day with so many choices…how to feel, how to react, how to visualize and how to see your fabulous new day unfold. Yes, choosing as to how your new day will unfold. But, you say, this day is SOOOO difficult and I certainly don’t feel like I’m in control! Such a wonderful opportunity in itself, isn’t it? Maybe if your choice is to breeze through any challenge with a positive attitude then you just might also see what we already know about you…that you are a powerful creator capable of changing bad to good, difficult to easy just by deciding where to place your thoughts. Freedom to choose your thoughts. So, so lucky.
What better way than to start your day with a reminder of just how lucky you are to be here on the earth plane, choosing to be a game player, showing up and showing us what you got.
Lucky indeed. And as luck would have it we get to be your closest confidant, encouraging you, supporting you, loving you along the way. 💟
Lucky to choose, lucky to create, lucky to be alive.
Lucky, lucky you!” 🍀
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message! May you always find the courage to persevere through challenging times.❤️
"Transition helps to prepare the soul for its next chapter.
Why is it so painful you might ask?
Why have you been so resistant we might ask?
Allow yourself, and decide today that you will journey through any and all transitions in your life with trust, ease and joy. Yes, even the most challenging ones. These you will be loved through the most.
Transitioning to a better you.
Trust in new beginnings.
Trust that what lies ahead will ultimately bring you to where you need to be.
Always at your side, always supporting you."❤️
In Love and Spirit,
-Tammy's Guides
Happy Monday Message! May you always find the courage to persevere through challenging times.❤️
"Transition helps to prepare the soul for its next chapter.
Why is it so painful you might ask?
Why have you been so resistant we might ask?
Allow yourself, and decide today that you will journey through any and all transitions in your life with trust, ease and joy. Yes, even the most challenging ones. These you will be loved through the most.
Transitioning to a better you.
Trust in new beginnings.
Trust that what lies ahead will ultimately bring you to where you need to be.
Always at your side, always supporting you."❤️
In Love and Spirit,
-Tammy's Guides
Happy Monday message to you! Have a wonderful day!
“The way of your world is an indication of who and where you are internally.
Release the pain that inhibits you from reaching your goals. Allow yourself to rest quietly within, deep enough to converse with your sacred truth. You are but an angel in disguise deeply involved in your own unique experience, learning to navigate through your own personal internal conflicts and learning to bring forth your own brilliant and illuminating light.
The light you shine is a beacon for others and an inspiration, reminding them that they are not alone on their journey and discovery of personal enlightenment.
Release, affirm and shine brightly dear friends. You yourself, and those around you benefit from your extraordinary healing light.
Sunglasses on!”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday message to you! Have a wonderful day!
“The way of your world is an indication of who and where you are internally.
Release the pain that inhibits you from reaching your goals. Allow yourself to rest quietly within, deep enough to converse with your sacred truth. You are but an angel in disguise deeply involved in your own unique experience, learning to navigate through your own personal internal conflicts and learning to bring forth your own brilliant and illuminating light.
The light you shine is a beacon for others and an inspiration, reminding them that they are not alone on their journey and discovery of personal enlightenment.
Release, affirm and shine brightly dear friends. You yourself, and those around you benefit from your extraordinary healing light.
Sunglasses on!”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday message! Kindness :)
“Be kind to others please. Your generosity is needed on the earth plane.
You have so much to offer with your own unique blend of making others feel at ease. Reaching out to those in need, giving of yourself in a way that benefits another is what inspires others to ‘pay it forward.’ It requires nothing but your earnest desire to help another feel better about themselves and to maybe even lighten their load so they may have a new perspective on life. Potentially helping to shift their energy from sad to glad feels good, doesn’t it?
When you are kind to others, those recipients are given a dose of love and an energetic hug. Your act of kindness penetrates deep within, allowing them to feel a sense of worthiness, hope for the future and simply brightens their day. See what kind of amazing power you possess? The kind of power that can bring light to somebody’s darkness…all because you chose to share this wonderful healing vibration of kindness.
Keep on shining dear kind ones, the world awaits you and your loving support.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday message! Kindness :)
“Be kind to others please. Your generosity is needed on the earth plane.
You have so much to offer with your own unique blend of making others feel at ease. Reaching out to those in need, giving of yourself in a way that benefits another is what inspires others to ‘pay it forward.’ It requires nothing but your earnest desire to help another feel better about themselves and to maybe even lighten their load so they may have a new perspective on life. Potentially helping to shift their energy from sad to glad feels good, doesn’t it?
When you are kind to others, those recipients are given a dose of love and an energetic hug. Your act of kindness penetrates deep within, allowing them to feel a sense of worthiness, hope for the future and simply brightens their day. See what kind of amazing power you possess? The kind of power that can bring light to somebody’s darkness…all because you chose to share this wonderful healing vibration of kindness.
Keep on shining dear kind ones, the world awaits you and your loving support.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Wishing you a beautiful first Monday of June!
Functioning pretty well today :). Have a fabulous day!
“When a dysfunctional situation arises in your external life it is often an opportunity, or perhaps a reminder, to further define your own personal boundaries.
Dysfunction/chaos allows those involved to further strengthen their commitment to self-preservation. Often when one has been feeling ‘out of sorts’ they might notice more of this chaos manifest in their outer world. Worth visiting this thought within yourself at those moments. There may be less patience with others when you yourself are not feeling centered.
But may we also suggest that at those times when you are surrounded by ‘dysfunctional people’ that you remove yourself from their space. Protect your energy, love thyself and send a loving healing vibration from a safe distance.
You are allowed to walk away from the negativity. In doing so your actions speak louder than any words you might utter. Your silence is a golden opportunity, giving them a chance to have their own energy reflected back to them. May even create a nice, quiet space for them to start their own healing process.
Your energy is important. Protect it. Walk away when necessary and perhaps ask of yourself what chaos and dysfunction is stirring within me now? Love yourself through the discovery.
Loving you, supporting you…”
-Tammy’s Guides
Wishing you a beautiful first Monday of June!
Functioning pretty well today :). Have a fabulous day!
“When a dysfunctional situation arises in your external life it is often an opportunity, or perhaps a reminder, to further define your own personal boundaries.
Dysfunction/chaos allows those involved to further strengthen their commitment to self-preservation. Often when one has been feeling ‘out of sorts’ they might notice more of this chaos manifest in their outer world. Worth visiting this thought within yourself at those moments. There may be less patience with others when you yourself are not feeling centered.
But may we also suggest that at those times when you are surrounded by ‘dysfunctional people’ that you remove yourself from their space. Protect your energy, love thyself and send a loving healing vibration from a safe distance.
You are allowed to walk away from the negativity. In doing so your actions speak louder than any words you might utter. Your silence is a golden opportunity, giving them a chance to have their own energy reflected back to them. May even create a nice, quiet space for them to start their own healing process.
Your energy is important. Protect it. Walk away when necessary and perhaps ask of yourself what chaos and dysfunction is stirring within me now? Love yourself through the discovery.
Loving you, supporting you…”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message. In honor of Memorial Day:
“Courage, honor, bravery. Souls who incarnate into a lifetime with these attributes have a profound impact on the earth plane. They promote change often by their own actions, often with a great deal of self sacrifice. These souls are here to help shift awareness, promote compassion and be part of the collective energy that to them, and many others, represents freedom from constraints.
Eagerly and courageously stepping out in the world for a cause at any cost. These souls leave an imprint on the planet, an indelible mark so as not to ever be erased.
Blessings to the many brave and courageous souls of your planet. Large or small feats, your contributions are important and have purpose and meaning.
Braver than you know...”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message. In honor of Memorial Day:
“Courage, honor, bravery. Souls who incarnate into a lifetime with these attributes have a profound impact on the earth plane. They promote change often by their own actions, often with a great deal of self sacrifice. These souls are here to help shift awareness, promote compassion and be part of the collective energy that to them, and many others, represents freedom from constraints.
Eagerly and courageously stepping out in the world for a cause at any cost. These souls leave an imprint on the planet, an indelible mark so as not to ever be erased.
Blessings to the many brave and courageous souls of your planet. Large or small feats, your contributions are important and have purpose and meaning.
Braver than you know...”
-Tammy’s Guides
Good morning Monday Message to you! I Imagine you are healthy, safe and supported! :)
“When we believe something is real it enters our existence.
There is nothing more real then you and your imagination. This unique imagination of yours sends out a request to the Universe summoning what it is you are dreaming about and visualizing for your yourself. What is it you expect from these visions? Remember you are worthy of receiving abundance in your life in all positive ways. May we suggest you:
Keep your imagination active.
Check in on your expectations. Are you expecting positive results?
Affirm your self-worthiness in receiving.
Let go and trust!
Continue in the direction of your dreams. Get involved in the doing and leave the how’s and when’s to us!
You are more powerful then you know. We have faith in you, dearest friends. Loving you, supporting you, and always in awe of your ability to manifest.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Good morning Monday Message to you! I Imagine you are healthy, safe and supported! :)
“When we believe something is real it enters our existence.
There is nothing more real then you and your imagination. This unique imagination of yours sends out a request to the Universe summoning what it is you are dreaming about and visualizing for your yourself. What is it you expect from these visions? Remember you are worthy of receiving abundance in your life in all positive ways. May we suggest you:
Keep your imagination active.
Check in on your expectations. Are you expecting positive results?
Affirm your self-worthiness in receiving.
Let go and trust!
Continue in the direction of your dreams. Get involved in the doing and leave the how’s and when’s to us!
You are more powerful then you know. We have faith in you, dearest friends. Loving you, supporting you, and always in awe of your ability to manifest.”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message to you! We need to let go of regrets! :)
"When you regret something, whether it be an action or words, you are creating a space and an opportunity to reflect. Regretting can then actually lead to a positive effect. You see, regretting = assessing. Allow yourself to assess this regret. This regret is often the consequence to something you intuitively feel you should have either been, tried, done, or said. Perhaps you were being given the nudge to try something, go after something and chose not to. And/or perhaps you just knew not to say something or do something before it happened, but you did it anyway.
Most importantly we’d like to ask…did you learn from this so-called regret? Did you take time to reflect as to how it made or makes you (and perhaps others) feel in the present? Think this might have anything to do with listening to your intuition ahead of time? And does it maybe hint at the idea that you are not perfect in human form? That this is how you evolve into the soul that masters the creation of one’s actions and desires? Yes…we’d like to echo this truth. Please allow yourself the space to reflect and learn from these regrets. You are but a babe in your spiritual development. The lesson isn’t to make you wallow in sadness or self-pity but to bring you closer to your own awareness.
Further, feeling regretful gives you the opportunity to potentially right a wrong, let someone know how you feel, and find balance in your life. Mostly dear friends, it allows you to reflect on what matters to you most now and in your future. Some things you can correct and some things you may not be able to in this lifetime. Chin up, please treat yourself kindly. May we remind you, every emotion brings you closer to your own self-knowing. Regretting is but one of these precious human emotions that you get to decide what to do with.
You know more now then you ever have before. Make peace with yourself and your choices. You are not here to be perfect, but here to learn and evolve. Allow yourself to reflect on your regrets for only a short while, looking for the lessons it offers then we suggest releasing any negativity attached to this emotion. It is not yours for the keeping, but is yours for the teaching. It’s never too late, is it?
Kind of regretting that we didn’t share this with you earlier….well just little….ok, getting over it now. We’ve come a long way." :)
- Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday Message to you! We need to let go of regrets! :)
"When you regret something, whether it be an action or words, you are creating a space and an opportunity to reflect. Regretting can then actually lead to a positive effect. You see, regretting = assessing. Allow yourself to assess this regret. This regret is often the consequence to something you intuitively feel you should have either been, tried, done, or said. Perhaps you were being given the nudge to try something, go after something and chose not to. And/or perhaps you just knew not to say something or do something before it happened, but you did it anyway.
Most importantly we’d like to ask…did you learn from this so-called regret? Did you take time to reflect as to how it made or makes you (and perhaps others) feel in the present? Think this might have anything to do with listening to your intuition ahead of time? And does it maybe hint at the idea that you are not perfect in human form? That this is how you evolve into the soul that masters the creation of one’s actions and desires? Yes…we’d like to echo this truth. Please allow yourself the space to reflect and learn from these regrets. You are but a babe in your spiritual development. The lesson isn’t to make you wallow in sadness or self-pity but to bring you closer to your own awareness.
Further, feeling regretful gives you the opportunity to potentially right a wrong, let someone know how you feel, and find balance in your life. Mostly dear friends, it allows you to reflect on what matters to you most now and in your future. Some things you can correct and some things you may not be able to in this lifetime. Chin up, please treat yourself kindly. May we remind you, every emotion brings you closer to your own self-knowing. Regretting is but one of these precious human emotions that you get to decide what to do with.
You know more now then you ever have before. Make peace with yourself and your choices. You are not here to be perfect, but here to learn and evolve. Allow yourself to reflect on your regrets for only a short while, looking for the lessons it offers then we suggest releasing any negativity attached to this emotion. It is not yours for the keeping, but is yours for the teaching. It’s never too late, is it?
Kind of regretting that we didn’t share this with you earlier….well just little….ok, getting over it now. We’ve come a long way." :)
- Tammy’s Guides
Happy Mothers Day!💕🌷
"Give your mother a hug today.
Your mother is not here you say? Yes, sweet child, indeed she is here.
Whether she is existing on the earth plane or whether she is in spirit, your mother is deeply connected to you. May we remind you of the strong commitment of love that brought you two together and as a result, brought you forth into this existence. Out of your mother's love for you came this divine opportunity to continue your own personal journey on the path to self love and self discovery.
She has encouraged you, she has supported you and she may have even tested and challenged you in ways that were difficult and felt impossible.
Your mother may or may not have been perfect in your eyes but...she has taught you, hasn't she? We're thinking some very valuable lessons indeed.😊
What a blessing and a sacred gift she is, your amazing Mother.💕
Wishing you a joyful Mother's Day."
-Tammy's Guides😇
Happy Mothers Day!💕🌷
"Give your mother a hug today.
Your mother is not here you say? Yes, sweet child, indeed she is here.
Whether she is existing on the earth plane or whether she is in spirit, your mother is deeply connected to you. May we remind you of the strong commitment of love that brought you two together and as a result, brought you forth into this existence. Out of your mother's love for you came this divine opportunity to continue your own personal journey on the path to self love and self discovery.
She has encouraged you, she has supported you and she may have even tested and challenged you in ways that were difficult and felt impossible.
Your mother may or may not have been perfect in your eyes but...she has taught you, hasn't she? We're thinking some very valuable lessons indeed.😊
What a blessing and a sacred gift she is, your amazing Mother.💕
Wishing you a joyful Mother's Day."
-Tammy's Guides😇
Happy Monday! You are amazing! :)
"Let’s talk about compliments shall we? Something as simple as a personal kind word spoken is like magic to the soul. When you give a compliment to someone you are giving a spiritual hug and validating their worthiness. You are sending love and healing to the recipient.
You have the potential to send this energetic hug and a loving, healing vibration simply by noticing that special something that’s worth mentioning. And please understand, giving these kind ‘hugs’ by no means diminishes your own fabulous power, dear ones. It actually EMpowers you, allowing you to receive some of that wonderful like vibration you too are so deserving of. Yes, yes, we can tell this resonates with you. You are so incredibly intuitive! :)
Complimenting potentially gives you the opportunity TO:
Wow, powerful stuff, huh? Yes, we see it happen all the time. Kinda like magic :).
So…you love their eyes? Their shirt? The way they put others at ease? Their contagious laugh? Their accomplishments? Tell them.
We’re quite sure you too will feel the love.
And may we just say, you are such amazing creators and we just love the way you shine for others.
Coming back to us tenfold now…" :)
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday! You are amazing! :)
"Let’s talk about compliments shall we? Something as simple as a personal kind word spoken is like magic to the soul. When you give a compliment to someone you are giving a spiritual hug and validating their worthiness. You are sending love and healing to the recipient.
You have the potential to send this energetic hug and a loving, healing vibration simply by noticing that special something that’s worth mentioning. And please understand, giving these kind ‘hugs’ by no means diminishes your own fabulous power, dear ones. It actually EMpowers you, allowing you to receive some of that wonderful like vibration you too are so deserving of. Yes, yes, we can tell this resonates with you. You are so incredibly intuitive! :)
Complimenting potentially gives you the opportunity TO:
Wow, powerful stuff, huh? Yes, we see it happen all the time. Kinda like magic :).
So…you love their eyes? Their shirt? The way they put others at ease? Their contagious laugh? Their accomplishments? Tell them.
We’re quite sure you too will feel the love.
And may we just say, you are such amazing creators and we just love the way you shine for others.
Coming back to us tenfold now…" :)
-Tammy’s Guides
This Monday Message is about our beloved pets. Enjoy and have a great week! :)
"Oh, how we love animals. Creatures that have their own heart, own soul and loved to be loved.
Your pets have existed on the planet earth for many lifetimes, reincarnating with the humans that they love so very much.
You are the recipient of their love and healing vibration. Snuggle them, talk to them, appreciate them. Place your hand gently on their head, tell them what they mean to you. It makes them feel important and valued.
Your animal friends respect the decisions you need to make on a daily basis. You probably didn’t know that, did you? Yes, they are very receptive to your energy and understand what it takes to be a human. You could say that they receive a little training when they are ‘home’ waiting patiently to re-enter their new animal bodies.
When you feel lost, they feel your emotions. When you are ill they are there to help provide balance, comfort and healing simply by being near you. They often help to ground you. All you need to do is consciously be aware of how you are feeling when you are petting or grooming your beloved pets. Peaceful? Relaxed? Comforted? Perfect…exactly what they are hoping for. Naturally they are benefiting from the experience as well. :)
Your amazing animal friends are here for the pure enjoyment of YOU. Love them, respect them, appreciate them, treat them kindly. They would like to be near you as often as possible. Going away for a while? Let them know exactly what will transpire when you’re gone and whom it will be that will be taking care of them. Let them know when you will return. You may do this verbally or telepathically…we always suggest both.
And yes, yes….they bring unconditional love don’t they? Wonderful, we’re so glad you’re noticing what a blessing they are.
Go ahead, kiss their furry faces and talk your baby talk to them. We’ll turn the other way if you like, but just so you know, it’s an everyday occurrence for us here in the spirit world. :)
Animals improve your life and the world in which you live. Let them love you and let them be loved by you.
Off we go now…one of our little cuddle boos is asking for a belly rub.
Hugs and kisses!"
-Tammy’s Guides
This Monday Message is about our beloved pets. Enjoy and have a great week! :)
"Oh, how we love animals. Creatures that have their own heart, own soul and loved to be loved.
Your pets have existed on the planet earth for many lifetimes, reincarnating with the humans that they love so very much.
You are the recipient of their love and healing vibration. Snuggle them, talk to them, appreciate them. Place your hand gently on their head, tell them what they mean to you. It makes them feel important and valued.
Your animal friends respect the decisions you need to make on a daily basis. You probably didn’t know that, did you? Yes, they are very receptive to your energy and understand what it takes to be a human. You could say that they receive a little training when they are ‘home’ waiting patiently to re-enter their new animal bodies.
When you feel lost, they feel your emotions. When you are ill they are there to help provide balance, comfort and healing simply by being near you. They often help to ground you. All you need to do is consciously be aware of how you are feeling when you are petting or grooming your beloved pets. Peaceful? Relaxed? Comforted? Perfect…exactly what they are hoping for. Naturally they are benefiting from the experience as well. :)
Your amazing animal friends are here for the pure enjoyment of YOU. Love them, respect them, appreciate them, treat them kindly. They would like to be near you as often as possible. Going away for a while? Let them know exactly what will transpire when you’re gone and whom it will be that will be taking care of them. Let them know when you will return. You may do this verbally or telepathically…we always suggest both.
And yes, yes….they bring unconditional love don’t they? Wonderful, we’re so glad you’re noticing what a blessing they are.
Go ahead, kiss their furry faces and talk your baby talk to them. We’ll turn the other way if you like, but just so you know, it’s an everyday occurrence for us here in the spirit world. :)
Animals improve your life and the world in which you live. Let them love you and let them be loved by you.
Off we go now…one of our little cuddle boos is asking for a belly rub.
Hugs and kisses!"
-Tammy’s Guides
Monday Message for you my friends. Hugs!
“Kindness, caring and giving are but just a few of the ingredients found in the delicious recipe, we like to call, Heavenly Desserts.
You have, on a daily basis the opportunity to ‘dish out’ random acts of kindness, ‘spread’ good cheer, help those in ‘knead’, love beyond ‘measure’ and to help others ‘rise’ to higher vibrations simply my showing them just how ‘sweet’ life can be.
Do you have a ‘zest’ for life? Share this with others. ‘Mix in’ encouragement and support. There you have an award winning recipe. Those who are the recipients of this kind, generous vibration will notice the same like energy ‘stir’ within themselves. Ahhh, the ‘icing on the cake!’
Oh and we like to add a ‘dash’ of divine healing….it’s a ‘staple’ at our house.
Can’t wait to see what you ‘whip up’ next.
Dessert please!”
-Tammy’s Guides
Monday Message for you my friends. Hugs!
“Kindness, caring and giving are but just a few of the ingredients found in the delicious recipe, we like to call, Heavenly Desserts.
You have, on a daily basis the opportunity to ‘dish out’ random acts of kindness, ‘spread’ good cheer, help those in ‘knead’, love beyond ‘measure’ and to help others ‘rise’ to higher vibrations simply my showing them just how ‘sweet’ life can be.
Do you have a ‘zest’ for life? Share this with others. ‘Mix in’ encouragement and support. There you have an award winning recipe. Those who are the recipients of this kind, generous vibration will notice the same like energy ‘stir’ within themselves. Ahhh, the ‘icing on the cake!’
Oh and we like to add a ‘dash’ of divine healing….it’s a ‘staple’ at our house.
Can’t wait to see what you ‘whip up’ next.
Dessert please!”
-Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday message. A message from Mother Earth. I think maybe you should step outside for this one :). Have a wonderful week!
“I am here to represent all that is right in your world, all that is calm, all that is peaceful. Let me take you on a journey of discovery. What is this journey you might ask? It is to a destination that surrounds you every day…perhaps in your very own backyard, you don’t need to travel far.
Let us begin…
I am the wind that gently caresses you. Hoping upon hope that you hear my whispers of encouragement, love and support.
I am the flower that stands at attention, hoping upon hope that I am noticed and worth your time to stop and enjoy my beauty…. a reminder that there is artistry in the world, always waiting to be seen.
I am the grass that grows beneath your feet, hoping upon hope that you will plant your precious bare feet upon me so that you may feel my loving vibration. A reminder of your youthful days at play when you were present and full of life.
I am in the trees that reach out to be noticed, hoping upon hope that you will acknowledge me and perhaps sit at my base for a while. I as the tree offer stability and grounding in your sometimes stressful world, not to mention a reminder of what it felt like to touch me. Your inner child recognizes this touch. Do you remember? You hugged me, and I sweet child, hugged you back.
I am in the the fountains, oceans, rivers and lakes, cleansing you, hoping upon hope that you will go within and converse with your deepest emotions. A reminder of the importance of your own knowing and inner reflection.
I am in the mountains, hills and valleys offering you strength. Hoping upon hope that by simply gazing in my direction you are reminded that you are capable of moving through any challenge in your world with confidence and tenacity.
Dear sweet soul…. I am in everything, hoping upon hope that you will simply see. Notice me when you’re feeling insecure. Allow me to help support you.
See me, feel me, touch me, smell me, hear me. We share this precious world together.
We are sacred. We make a wonderful pair, you and I, and I am so honored to be sharing this beautiful journey with you.”
Blessings from Mother Earth (through Tammy Langowski)
Hear ye, hear ye! Happy Monday to all! Hope you enjoy the message. Have a wonderful week!
“Ahhh, ‘the art of listening.’ Have you ever noticed, dear friends, how good it feels to have someone’s undivided attention? Knowing that they actually wanted to hear what YOU had to say? Did it make you feel, well, special, validated and understood?
Hmmm, we think so.
You have the potential to heal through active listening. The most magical things come together when you choose to be a listener to someone, especially those in need. You are in a very important position to validate their value in this world. To let them know that they are worth being heard, that their personal stories have meaning and that they are worth being listened to. And most importantly…
that they MATTER!
Yes, just by taking some time to step away from the role of the active speaker, and stepping into the role of the empathetic listener.
You will be rewarded with this healing energy as well.
Be attentive, validate and love.
Thank you for listening kind healers. We feel better already.” – Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday message. A message from Mother Earth. I think maybe you should step outside for this one :). Have a wonderful week!
“I am here to represent all that is right in your world, all that is calm, all that is peaceful. Let me take you on a journey of discovery. What is this journey you might ask? It is to a destination that surrounds you every day…perhaps in your very own backyard, you don’t need to travel far.
Let us begin…
I am the wind that gently caresses you. Hoping upon hope that you hear my whispers of encouragement, love and support.
I am the flower that stands at attention, hoping upon hope that I am noticed and worth your time to stop and enjoy my beauty…. a reminder that there is artistry in the world, always waiting to be seen.
I am the grass that grows beneath your feet, hoping upon hope that you will plant your precious bare feet upon me so that you may feel my loving vibration. A reminder of your youthful days at play when you were present and full of life.
I am in the trees that reach out to be noticed, hoping upon hope that you will acknowledge me and perhaps sit at my base for a while. I as the tree offer stability and grounding in your sometimes stressful world, not to mention a reminder of what it felt like to touch me. Your inner child recognizes this touch. Do you remember? You hugged me, and I sweet child, hugged you back.
I am in the the fountains, oceans, rivers and lakes, cleansing you, hoping upon hope that you will go within and converse with your deepest emotions. A reminder of the importance of your own knowing and inner reflection.
I am in the mountains, hills and valleys offering you strength. Hoping upon hope that by simply gazing in my direction you are reminded that you are capable of moving through any challenge in your world with confidence and tenacity.
Dear sweet soul…. I am in everything, hoping upon hope that you will simply see. Notice me when you’re feeling insecure. Allow me to help support you.
See me, feel me, touch me, smell me, hear me. We share this precious world together.
We are sacred. We make a wonderful pair, you and I, and I am so honored to be sharing this beautiful journey with you.”
Blessings from Mother Earth (through Tammy Langowski)
Hear ye, hear ye! Happy Monday to all! Hope you enjoy the message. Have a wonderful week!
“Ahhh, ‘the art of listening.’ Have you ever noticed, dear friends, how good it feels to have someone’s undivided attention? Knowing that they actually wanted to hear what YOU had to say? Did it make you feel, well, special, validated and understood?
Hmmm, we think so.
You have the potential to heal through active listening. The most magical things come together when you choose to be a listener to someone, especially those in need. You are in a very important position to validate their value in this world. To let them know that they are worth being heard, that their personal stories have meaning and that they are worth being listened to. And most importantly…
that they MATTER!
Yes, just by taking some time to step away from the role of the active speaker, and stepping into the role of the empathetic listener.
You will be rewarded with this healing energy as well.
Be attentive, validate and love.
Thank you for listening kind healers. We feel better already.” – Tammy’s Guides
Hear ye, hear ye! Happy Monday to all! Hope you enjoy the message. Have a wonderful week!
“Ahhh, ‘the art of listening.’ Have you ever noticed, dear friends, how good it feels to have someone’s undivided attention? Knowing that they actually wanted to hear what YOU had to say? Did it make you feel, well, special, validated and understood?
Hmmm, we think so.
You have the potential to heal through active listening. The most magical things come together when you choose to be a listener to someone, especially those in need. You are in a very important position to validate their value in this world. To let them know that they are worth being heard, that their personal stories have meaning and that they are worth being listened to. And most importantly…
that they MATTER!
Yes, just by taking some time to step away from the role of the active speaker, and stepping into the role of the empathetic listener.
You will be rewarded with this healing energy as well.
Be attentive, validate and love.
Thank you for listening kind healers. We feel better already.” ;) – Tammy’s Guides
Hear ye, hear ye! Happy Monday to all! Hope you enjoy the message. Have a wonderful week!
“Ahhh, ‘the art of listening.’ Have you ever noticed, dear friends, how good it feels to have someone’s undivided attention? Knowing that they actually wanted to hear what YOU had to say? Did it make you feel, well, special, validated and understood?
Hmmm, we think so.
You have the potential to heal through active listening. The most magical things come together when you choose to be a listener to someone, especially those in need. You are in a very important position to validate their value in this world. To let them know that they are worth being heard, that their personal stories have meaning and that they are worth being listened to. And most importantly…
that they MATTER!
Yes, just by taking some time to step away from the role of the active speaker, and stepping into the role of the empathetic listener.
You will be rewarded with this healing energy as well.
Be attentive, validate and love.
Thank you for listening kind healers. We feel better already.” ;) – Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday message to you!
“You have the ability to manifest. Allow your thoughts to be recorded. Write down your wishes, desires, goals, dreams. Allow each idea to expand, letting go, trusting, all the while knowing you are worthy of receiving this abundance.
Release the fear and doubt. Follow this with the doing, the action toward whatever it is you wish to create. Keep it positive, always with good intention. Trust in the timing & synchronicity…these two will be your friends.
We’re in awe of your ability to create. We have the ‘best seat in the house,’ getting to watch your awesome talent to imagine, direct & manifest what it is you feel you deserve and are worthy of. May we say again….what you feel you deserve and are worthy of.
We are always here to help and assist in any way we are able. Patiently waiting :)” – Tammy’s Guides
Happy Monday message to you!
“You have the ability to manifest. Allow your thoughts to be recorded. Write down your wishes, desires, goals, dreams. Allow each idea to expand, letting go, trusting, all the while knowing you are worthy of receiving this abundance.
Release the fear and doubt. Follow this with the doing, the action toward whatever it is you wish to create. Keep it positive, always with good intention. Trust in the timing & synchronicity…these two will be your friends.
We’re in awe of your ability to create. We have the ‘best seat in the house,’ getting to watch your awesome talent to imagine, direct & manifest what it is you feel you deserve and are worthy of. May we say again….what you feel you deserve and are worthy of.
We are always here to help and assist in any way we are able. Patiently waiting :)” – Tammy’s Guides
Today’s Monday Message is about the loss of someone dear to us. Take a deep breath….this is a bit of a long one! Blessings to all.
"IMAGINE, dear friends, that you are comforted by knowing that your loved ones who have transitioned are at peace. Really knowing that they are well taken care of; warm, safe and that they are remembering that their new ‘home’ is where they came from in the first place, where they started out. Imagine they are loved beyond measure. Perhaps resting their head upon an angel’s shoulder, conversing with masters, all the while basking in God’s light. They are comforted, and loved, and assured that there is indeed ‘no place like home.’
Imagine they are now free from pain, fear, anxiety and all that kept them from feeling the love that was always there for them. Imagine they are cherished, respected and told that one ‘day’ they may again return to the earth plane if they so desire…your earth plane that is of equal importance. Meanwhile they are reuniting, dancing, laughing, singing, traveling, eating (should they choose…yes, in their ethereal way). They are also continuing their education, learning, listening, exchanging ideas with others. Lots of understanding, lots of forgiving, lots of ‘ah-ha’ moments and lots of…living.
Imagine they are still so very close to you…hearing you and your prayers, comforting you through your tears and reassuring you that this is ‘not the end,’ that life continues and that there is indeed rhyme and reason for each passing. Yes, even the most challenging of passings, including the young and those who have chosen to consciously exit, gaining more spiritual experience, so to speak, so that they may be one step closer to ultimate compassion. They are ever near, loving you and letting you know of the continuance…hoping you hear, but understanding if you don’t.
This feels good, your imagination, doesn’t it? Hints of truth here, right? That’s great. You’re remembering.
And what is it your loved ones, your family, your friends, your animal friends in spirit want most for you, you as the survivor on the earth plane? It is to understand that it’s okay to grieve, but not to punish yourself in any way for their passing. That the time, place and yes, even the way one transitioned for many souls is orchestrated. To know they are close to you. They are energy, light and free and will be communicating with you often. Wanting you to live your life to the fullest as they know all the more in their present state of existence just how precious the earth plane experience is. It is indeed a gift. Heaven and earth, of equal value and importance.
Grieve, yes, but also assist them by releasing them to the light. Letting go doesn’t mean the end of your connection with them, we find it makes it stronger. It allows both of you to continue on your paths, exploring, participating, accepting and above all else, loving.
Your loved ones feel your vibrations when you are thinking of them. What would you wish them to feel…anger, resentment, guilt, betrayal? Or would you wish upon them, and for them, contentment, peace, wisdom and indescribable love? Where you rest your thoughts is yours in return.
Return to healing, self-love and the support of others who are placed in front of you to help you through the difficult times of loss. We are here for you as well helping to guide you through the pain. Knowing that in time, your own personal time, you will reflect upon your loved ones with a smile upon your face and gratitude for whatever it was they were here to teach or show you. What a blessing that becomes. Be kind to yourself. Feel, express, release, rebuild and always remember. It is just but a moment of time before you are once again reunited.
Embrace your life and all the opportunities it has to offer. Your loved ones are there cheering you on. Life is most certainly worth living and worth the effort to continue forth.
We know this first hand. You could say, we’re ‘in the know.’ In Love and Light" – Tammy’s Guides
Today’s Monday Message is about the loss of someone dear to us. Take a deep breath….this is a bit of a long one! Blessings to all.
"IMAGINE, dear friends, that you are comforted by knowing that your loved ones who have transitioned are at peace. Really knowing that they are well taken care of; warm, safe and that they are remembering that their new ‘home’ is where they came from in the first place, where they started out. Imagine they are loved beyond measure. Perhaps resting their head upon an angel’s shoulder, conversing with masters, all the while basking in God’s light. They are comforted, and loved, and assured that there is indeed ‘no place like home.’
Imagine they are now free from pain, fear, anxiety and all that kept them from feeling the love that was always there for them. Imagine they are cherished, respected and told that one ‘day’ they may again return to the earth plane if they so desire…your earth plane that is of equal importance. Meanwhile they are reuniting, dancing, laughing, singing, traveling, eating (should they choose…yes, in their ethereal way). They are also continuing their education, learning, listening, exchanging ideas with others. Lots of understanding, lots of forgiving, lots of ‘ah-ha’ moments and lots of…living.
Imagine they are still so very close to you…hearing you and your prayers, comforting you through your tears and reassuring you that this is ‘not the end,’ that life continues and that there is indeed rhyme and reason for each passing. Yes, even the most challenging of passings, including the young and those who have chosen to consciously exit, gaining more spiritual experience, so to speak, so that they may be one step closer to ultimate compassion. They are ever near, loving you and letting you know of the continuance…hoping you hear, but understanding if you don’t.
This feels good, your imagination, doesn’t it? Hints of truth here, right? That’s great. You’re remembering.
And what is it your loved ones, your family, your friends, your animal friends in spirit want most for you, you as the survivor on the earth plane? It is to understand that it’s okay to grieve, but not to punish yourself in any way for their passing. That the time, place and yes, even the way one transitioned for many souls is orchestrated. To know they are close to you. They are energy, light and free and will be communicating with you often. Wanting you to live your life to the fullest as they know all the more in their present state of existence just how precious the earth plane experience is. It is indeed a gift. Heaven and earth, of equal value and importance.
Grieve, yes, but also assist them by releasing them to the light. Letting go doesn’t mean the end of your connection with them, we find it makes it stronger. It allows both of you to continue on your paths, exploring, participating, accepting and above all else, loving.
Your loved ones feel your vibrations when you are thinking of them. What would you wish them to feel…anger, resentment, guilt, betrayal? Or would you wish upon them, and for them, contentment, peace, wisdom and indescribable love? Where you rest your thoughts is yours in return.
Return to healing, self-love and the support of others who are placed in front of you to help you through the difficult times of loss. We are here for you as well helping to guide you through the pain. Knowing that in time, your own personal time, you will reflect upon your loved ones with a smile upon your face and gratitude for whatever it was they were here to teach or show you. What a blessing that becomes. Be kind to yourself. Feel, express, release, rebuild and always remember. It is just but a moment of time before you are once again reunited.
Embrace your life and all the opportunities it has to offer. Your loved ones are there cheering you on. Life is most certainly worth living and worth the effort to continue forth.
We know this first hand. You could say, we’re ‘in the know.’ In Love and Light" – Tammy’s Guides
"Spring is magical, Spring is fresh, Spring is alive offering you a fresh start to whatever it is you are creating or wish to manifest. Inhale new beginnings, exhale yesterday's challenges. Breathe with new confidence, knowing all is well and that you are forever loved and supported." - Tammy's Guides
"Spring is magical, Spring is fresh, Spring is alive offering you a fresh start to whatever it is you are creating or wish to manifest. Inhale new beginnings, exhale yesterday's challenges. Breathe with new confidence, knowing all is well and that you are forever loved and supported." - Tammy's Guides
"Doubting oneself is often based upon fear. A fear that has been given permission to manifest itself in the way of said self-doubt. Converse with the fear, find its origin, release with love and affirm with confidence and courage so that you may continue with your own magical manifestations. A conversation worth having, don't you think? You are worth the time and effort." - Tammy's Guides
"Doubting oneself is often based upon fear. A fear that has been given permission to manifest itself in the way of said self-doubt. Converse with the fear, find its origin, release with love and affirm with confidence and courage so that you may continue with your own magical manifestations. A conversation worth having, don't you think? You are worth the time and effort." - Tammy's Guides
"It’s never too late to change your mind…begin something new…adopt a new practice for yourself. Your world is infinite and time is irrelevant. The earth plane exists for YOU. Dive in, seek, explore and challenge yourself on a daily basis. You are the creator, the doer. And by the way, we just LOVE the way you 'do.' " - Tammy's Guides
"It’s never too late to change your mind…begin something new…adopt a new practice for yourself. Your world is infinite and time is irrelevant. The earth plane exists for YOU. Dive in, seek, explore and challenge yourself on a daily basis. You are the creator, the doer. And by the way, we just LOVE the way you 'do.' " - Tammy's Guides
"Be conscious of your thoughts. Listen to the self talk. Release the negative and affirm the positive. You see, your thoughts gain momentum attracting “like” opportunity and experiences of what it is you choose to lie your attention upon. When you are in a positive vibration you simply attract more joyful opportunities. And, well, we're sure you know what happens when thoughts go to a less joyful place, but we don't need to tell you that. You are deserving of those happy thoughts you know. In fact, born deserving. Yes.. from the very beginning." - Tammy's Guides
"Be conscious of your thoughts. Listen to the self talk. Release the negative and affirm the positive. You see, your thoughts gain momentum attracting “like” opportunity and experiences of what it is you choose to lie your attention upon. When you are in a positive vibration you simply attract more joyful opportunities. And, well, we're sure you know what happens when thoughts go to a less joyful place, but we don't need to tell you that. You are deserving of those happy thoughts you know. In fact, born deserving. Yes.. from the very beginning." - Tammy's Guides
“Happy Valentines Day beautiful friends. Please be reminded that love brought you here, so you will never be anywhere else but WITH love. Do not forget this. Love is like a pilot light within, ever patient and waiting till it will be recognized again and allowed to warm your soul and the souls of others you surround yourself with. You remember this warmth, don’t you?! Allow it to expand now...ahhh there it is, nice and toasty. Just a little warmer please....yes we feel it..perfect!
Let this day be yours to feel the love, share, and express this ever sacred, healing gift.” - Tammy’s Guides
“ ‘Laugh and the world laughs with you’, ‘Laughter is the best medicine’, ‘Laughter is contagious’...ahhh, such wonderful sentiments! You were born to laugh and to enjoy the silliness of life. Sharing this energy with others encourages others to break free from the seriousness of one’s own life and the day to day restrictions you often create for yourselves. When you choose to laugh instead of cry, you are choosing to view a situation for what it is and will always opportunity to view any challenging situation with hope and certainty that things can only get better from here. This energy can be shared with others, but we are quite certain you already know this. Laugh, release and enjoy! We will be chuckling right beside you...pass the tissue please!” - Tammy’s Guides
“Gratitude/Thankfulness is like a fine art, it captures all the goodness that you are in the masterpiece of your life. You are museum quality! We are quite impressed! And just think how many more may be transformed by your amazing talent (especially when you show them how easy it is to be happy). We continue to be ever so thankful for YOU!” - Tammy’s guides
“Happy Valentines Day beautiful friends. Please be reminded that love brought you here, so you will never be anywhere else but WITH love. Do not forget this. Love is like a pilot light within, ever patient and waiting till it will be recognized again and allowed to warm your soul and the souls of others you surround yourself with. You remember this warmth, don’t you?! Allow it to expand now...ahhh there it is, nice and toasty. Just a little warmer please....yes we feel it..perfect!
Let this day be yours to feel the love, share, and express this ever sacred, healing gift.” - Tammy’s Guides
“ ‘Laugh and the world laughs with you’, ‘Laughter is the best medicine’, ‘Laughter is contagious’...ahhh, such wonderful sentiments! You were born to laugh and to enjoy the silliness of life. Sharing this energy with others encourages others to break free from the seriousness of one’s own life and the day to day restrictions you often create for yourselves. When you choose to laugh instead of cry, you are choosing to view a situation for what it is and will always opportunity to view any challenging situation with hope and certainty that things can only get better from here. This energy can be shared with others, but we are quite certain you already know this. Laugh, release and enjoy! We will be chuckling right beside you...pass the tissue please!” - Tammy’s Guides
“Gratitude/Thankfulness is like a fine art, it captures all the goodness that you are in the masterpiece of your life. You are museum quality! We are quite impressed! And just think how many more may be transformed by your amazing talent (especially when you show them how easy it is to be happy). We continue to be ever so thankful for YOU!” - Tammy’s guides
2019 Channeled Message from Tammy's Guides:
"There is nothing like today to start a new year. Love yourself more then you know. Commit to a year of prosperity, abundance and socialization. We love people, and we love you. Cast your ballot now for the most outstanding person in the world, then point your finger in your direction so that you may know that we’re talking about you! We love your sense of humor and we know that you are justifiably unique in every way. You are the ‘cat’s meow’ and the best person to do the job of loving yourself. You are too good for words dear ones.
We want you to know that this new year of 2019 brings you unique opportunities to go within, confront and conquer fears of inadequacies, and anything else that is standing in your way of fulfilling those magnificent dreams. You are an inspiration to others even though you may not see it. You are an inspiration to all those that you meet. We’d like you to reflect on this and take time to value yourself so that others may learn from the valuable lessons you are offering them simply by being in your presence.
Trust others to help you along the way. When you are feeling troubled and alone, allow yourself to receive from others who carry with them a positive vibration. Don’t be afraid to ask for this help, our dear friends, for we know that in the asking you receive. With the receiving comes hope and possibility to bring about change within yourself. These opportunities abound.
This new year is about resolving issues from the past that no longer serve you. Give yourself credit for what you are doing right. You are a child of God, one that is deserving of good things. Allow yourself to bring the past before you so that you may work on resolving it. Anything that has hurt you or set you back, let it be brought to the forefront. Seek help from others with this process if necessary. Act now as this is a good year to allow yourself to contemplate and reflect. The reflection is important for this new year. As a result, going forward, you may be able to resolve old issues. There is nothing wrong with looking back in the past for often that is where the answers lie. Reflect on the past and see what issues might have triggered you then, triggered responses or actions that bring you where you are today. We again suggest asking others for this help if necessary.
Put yourself out there. As we mentioned socialization is important and is something that is being accentuated this year. Allow yourself to belong to groups or to seek companionship. There is so much learning to be had from others. Those others have their own unique paths as well and can help to contribute to help in the healing of your own challenges. For when you are in a space of feeling free, you begin to create anew… and doesn’t that sound refreshing? We are here to help guide you to the right people who may be able to help you to reflect on what it is they are igniting within you. Let then the journey of releasing the negative begin and affirming the positive for your present and future.
We remind you that we are loving you from time and space and that we are always around you, assisting you when necessary and when we are able to. Allow those to come into your life that bring you joy and that help to remind you of the light that you have always been and will always be. We help to shine the light for you as well especially in what you might consider your darkest hours. Always look for the light, it is never gone from your existence.
We are pleased to see that many of you have indeed been giving up on the things that are not working for you anymore and are working to transform yourselves. That is a good thing and we are very proud of you! Visualize more opportunities of love, laughter, joy and light coming your way. You are a courageous warrior and you are what others dream of being (now aren’t you just so special!). Let yourself be that warrior now, conquering what you might have considered defeat and now stepping into your world with new projections of the future that inspire you. You are so very worth it and we love you so very much. Keep up the great work loved ones, and please know that you are never alone on your journey. Always remember this is a lifetime of love.
This year bring the past to the present so that you may love all the lessons that have been presented, knowing that you are better for it as a result of the experiences that you’ve had. We always keep you in our prayers and send to you the vibrational love that you are so very deserving of.
Let yourself SEE. Let yourself RELEASE. Let yourself LOVE in 2019."
Blessings to all,
-In Love and Spirit, Tammy’s Guides
We want you to know that this new year of 2019 brings you unique opportunities to go within, confront and conquer fears of inadequacies, and anything else that is standing in your way of fulfilling those magnificent dreams. You are an inspiration to others even though you may not see it. You are an inspiration to all those that you meet. We’d like you to reflect on this and take time to value yourself so that others may learn from the valuable lessons you are offering them simply by being in your presence.
Trust others to help you along the way. When you are feeling troubled and alone, allow yourself to receive from others who carry with them a positive vibration. Don’t be afraid to ask for this help, our dear friends, for we know that in the asking you receive. With the receiving comes hope and possibility to bring about change within yourself. These opportunities abound.
This new year is about resolving issues from the past that no longer serve you. Give yourself credit for what you are doing right. You are a child of God, one that is deserving of good things. Allow yourself to bring the past before you so that you may work on resolving it. Anything that has hurt you or set you back, let it be brought to the forefront. Seek help from others with this process if necessary. Act now as this is a good year to allow yourself to contemplate and reflect. The reflection is important for this new year. As a result, going forward, you may be able to resolve old issues. There is nothing wrong with looking back in the past for often that is where the answers lie. Reflect on the past and see what issues might have triggered you then, triggered responses or actions that bring you where you are today. We again suggest asking others for this help if necessary.
Put yourself out there. As we mentioned socialization is important and is something that is being accentuated this year. Allow yourself to belong to groups or to seek companionship. There is so much learning to be had from others. Those others have their own unique paths as well and can help to contribute to help in the healing of your own challenges. For when you are in a space of feeling free, you begin to create anew… and doesn’t that sound refreshing? We are here to help guide you to the right people who may be able to help you to reflect on what it is they are igniting within you. Let then the journey of releasing the negative begin and affirming the positive for your present and future.
We remind you that we are loving you from time and space and that we are always around you, assisting you when necessary and when we are able to. Allow those to come into your life that bring you joy and that help to remind you of the light that you have always been and will always be. We help to shine the light for you as well especially in what you might consider your darkest hours. Always look for the light, it is never gone from your existence.
We are pleased to see that many of you have indeed been giving up on the things that are not working for you anymore and are working to transform yourselves. That is a good thing and we are very proud of you! Visualize more opportunities of love, laughter, joy and light coming your way. You are a courageous warrior and you are what others dream of being (now aren’t you just so special!). Let yourself be that warrior now, conquering what you might have considered defeat and now stepping into your world with new projections of the future that inspire you. You are so very worth it and we love you so very much. Keep up the great work loved ones, and please know that you are never alone on your journey. Always remember this is a lifetime of love.
This year bring the past to the present so that you may love all the lessons that have been presented, knowing that you are better for it as a result of the experiences that you’ve had. We always keep you in our prayers and send to you the vibrational love that you are so very deserving of.
Let yourself SEE. Let yourself RELEASE. Let yourself LOVE in 2019."
Blessings to all,
-In Love and Spirit, Tammy’s Guides
Copyright © 2025 Tammy Langowski